Talking about a recent trip Max: Welcome back, Ben! How was your trip? Ben: Oh, it was incredible. The country is so beautiful. Max: What did you do? Lots of sightseeing, I guess? Ben: We did two days of sightseeing in town, but then we got out into the countryside and were really roughing it. We went on a three-day trek with a guide, so we camped at night and hiked during the day. It was difficult, but really spectacular. Max: Wow, that sounds really intense. Ben: It was! We wore ourselves out, but we were able to see amazing jungles, waterfalls, flowers, you name it. After three days of roughing it, we were ready to get back to the city for some downtime—and souvenir shopping. We bought a suitcase full of knickknacks, I think. 談論最近的這次旅行 Max:歡迎回來,班!這次旅行玩得如何? Ben: 哦,簡直難以相信,鄉下的風景實在太美了! Max:你都做了些什麼?我猜一定遊覽了許多地方。 Ben:我們花了兩天的時間在城裡觀光,但之後就來到鄉下,那裡很克難。我們一連三天都跟著一位導遊跋涉,晚上紮營,到了白天就徒步旅行。路程雖然艱困,但風景真的很美。 Max:哇,聽起來很刺激。 Ben:的確如此!我們雖然精疲力竭,但可以看到令人讚歎的叢林、瀑布、奇花異草,凡是你能想到的都有。在三天的克難生活後,我們就準備回到城裡悠閒一下並採買些紀念品,另外還買了一只裝滿小裝飾品的手提箱。 |