2016年7月28日 星期四

Goodbye, Password. Banks Opt to Scan Fingers and Faces Instead/生物辨識篡位!銀行密碼掰掰

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2016/07/29 第133期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Goodbye, Password. Banks Opt to Scan Fingers and Faces Instead/生物辨識篡位!銀行密碼掰掰
A Rush for Books on Trump/如海嘯湧來 出版界搶搭川普熱
Goodbye, Password. Banks Opt to Scan Fingers and Faces Instead/生物辨識篡位!銀行密碼掰掰
Michael Corkery

The banking password may be about to expire — forever.

Some of the nation's largest banks, acknowledging that traditional passwords are either too cumbersome or no longer secure, are increasingly using fingerprints, facial scans and other types of biometrics to safeguard accounts.



Millions of customers at Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo routinely use fingerprints to log into their bank accounts through their mobile phones. This feature, which some of the largest banks have introduced in the last few months, is enabling a huge share of American banking customers to verify their identities with biometrics. And millions more are expected to opt in as more phones incorporate fingerprint scans.

Other uses of biometrics are also coming online. Wells Fargo lets some customers scan their eyes with their mobile phones to log into corporate accounts and wire millions of dollars. Citigroup can help verify 800,000 of its credit card customers by their voices. USAA, which provides insurance and banking services to members of the military and their families, identifies some of its customers through their facial contours.



Some of the moves reflect concern that so many hundreds of millions of email addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers and other personal identifiers have fallen into the hands of criminals, rendering those identifiers increasingly ineffective at protecting accounts. And while thieves could eventually find ways to steal biometric data, banks are convinced they offer more protection.

"We believe the password is dying," said Tom Shaw, vice president for enterprise financial crimes management at USAA, which is based in San Antonio. "We realized we have to get away from personal identification information because of the growing number of data breaches."



Long regarded as the stuff of science fiction, biometrics have been tested by big banks for decades, but have only recently become sufficiently accurate and cost effective to use in a big way. It has taken a great deal of trial and error: With many of the early prototypes, a facial scan could be foiled by bad lighting, and voice recognition could be scuttled by background noise or laryngitis.

Before smartphones became ubiquitous, there was an even bigger obstacle: To capture a finger image or scan an eyeball, a bank would have to pay to distribute the necessary technology to tens of millions of customers. A few tried, but their efforts were costly and short-lived.



A Rush for Books on Trump/如海嘯湧來 出版界搶搭川普熱
Alexandra Alter

On his bedroom wall, New Yorker writer Mark Singer has a framed, handwritten note from Donald Trump. "Mark, you are a total loser! And your book (and writings) sucks!" the note says.

Trump sent it after Singer published "Character Studies," a 2005 collection of his writing that included a less than flattering profile of Trump.



Singer loved the letter so much that he not only framed it, but also decided to make it the sole blurb on the back cover of his new book, "Trump and Me," which will be published Tuesday. The book includes the original New Yorker profile, published in 1997, as well as Singer's dryly funny account of the real estate tycoon's response and a more sober chapter reflecting on Trump the candidate.

"People remembered this piece, for better or worse, and I did want to find a way to bring it back to life," Singer said. "The challenge was to reconcile this person that I observed in the late '90s with this iteration of him in the election."



Every election cycle brings a tsunami of political books from campaign reporters, pundits and candidates. (Trump's own manifesto, "Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again," has sold 235,000 hardcover copies in eight months, according to Nielsen.)

But this year is shaping up to be an exceptional one in terms of the sheer volume of writing devoted to Trump. Some publishers and writers are exhuming out-of-print Trump biographies published decades ago and slapping new covers and introductions on them. Others are rushing out new books that explore Trump's stunning political rise.



Still others are producing parodies, comic books and satires, including a faux thriller titled "The Day of the Donald," which takes place two years into a Trump presidency. There is also a mock children's book by comedian Michael Ian Black titled "A Child's First Book of Trump," and a collection from cartoonist Garry Trudeau called "Yuge!: 30 Years of Doonesbury on Trump." (And in a sign that no publishing niche has been left unexploited, there are more than a half-dozen Trump-themed adult coloring books. Also, a book of Trump paper dolls.)



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開車能兼顧環保嗎? Can Cars Be Environmentally Friendly?

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2016/07/29 第314期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
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【英語學習Plus】 開車能兼顧環保嗎? Can Cars Be Environmentally Friendly?
【本月發燒書】 In Focus 英語閱讀:活用五大關鍵技巧【3】
【好康情報局】 充實自我│深思書展 全面79折!
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開車能兼顧環保嗎? Can Cars Be Environmentally Friendly?

Do you want a clean environment? If you live in a city, you may be breathing large amounts of unhealthy smog. Much of a city's smog or air pollution is caused by the gasoline engines in cars. Engineers have designed many cars that cause no air pollution. These nonpolluting automobiles are environmentally friendly and are called green cars. An electric car may also be called an electric vehicle or EV. Almost all green cars are EVs.

An EV has a simple, quiet, and efficient electric motor instead of a complex gasoline engine. If you look at a car, most likely you can't tell if it gets its power from electricity or gasoline. But when it is moving, an EV is much quieter than a gasoline-powered car. No noise pollution is another benefit of the electric car. Since EVs do not burn any gasoline, they reduce your need to pay for expensive foreign oil. That is one of the reasons EVs are usually cheaper to drive than gasoline-powered cars.

Some electric cars get most of their electricity from a battery. Some EVs use fuel cells to make electricity from hydrogen and oxygen. Other EVs make electricity from the sunlight and are sometimes called solar cars. Some cars have a powerful electric motor, a large battery, and a gasoline engine connected to a generator. These vehicles are called hybrid cars. If their gasoline engines are run to make electricity, they pollute the atmosphere.

A hundred years ago, there were many reliable electric cars, but their batteries often needed to be slowly recharged. Their weak batteries meant a limited driving range. Modern EVs have powerful and quickly rechargeable batteries.

Today's green cars are environmentally friendly. They are also convenient to drive. Driving a green car is a fun way to go!


你想要一個沒有污染的環境嗎?若是你居住在城市中,你可能會吸進大量有害健康的煙霧。城市裡大部分的煙霧或空氣污染都肇因於汽車所使用的汽油引擎。工程師們研發了許多不會造成空氣污染的汽車,這些無污染的汽車對環境無害,故被稱為「環保車」。電動汽車或電動車(英文簡稱EV),幾乎所有的環保汽車都 是電動車。





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In Focus 英語閱讀:活用五大關鍵技巧【3】
本套書依程度共分四冊,專為初中級讀者編寫。以國中2000字為範圍,每冊包含50篇閱讀文章、30餘種文體與題材,涵蓋廣泛、貼近生活 ....詳全文
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