2016年4月28日 星期四

Self-Correcting Beyond a Web Era of Sensationalism/網路時代譁眾取寵作風外的自我糾正

【嬰兒與母親電子報】提供完整婦幼保健觀念,兼具實用性、權威性、知識性的婦幼專業知識。 【跟我學日語—高級報】每週文章介紹日本相關資訊,讓你不僅可認識日本,更可藉由閱讀文章來加深日文程度。
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2016/04/29 第120期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Self-Correcting Beyond a Web Era of Sensationalism/網路時代譁眾取寵作風外的自我糾正
Self-Correcting Beyond a Web Era of Sensationalism/網路時代譁眾取寵作風外的自我糾正
John Herrman

The trial involving Gawker and Terry Bollea, better known as Hulk Hogan, over the publication of a sex video raised timeless legal questions about privacy and freedom of the press. The result, with the jury awarding Bollea $115 million in compensatory damages, could threaten Gawker's existence.

But in many ways, the Gawker that posted the video — an aggressive and unpredictable news and gossip site — has already passed into memory. So, too, has an era of the web in which Gawker thrived.



In the last few years, digital news sites with ambition — even the ones, like Gawker, that had originally hailed themselves as being anti-establishment — have undergone something of a self-correction. Vivid videos of random bedroom romps are out; a little bit of privacy is in.

Readers, empowered by social media, have reshaped publications directly, by collective will. And they seem to realize that the photos and videos captured on their smartphones or elsewhere could just as easily be used against them as anyone else, including a celebrity.



"Now that 'everyone' has a 'sex tape' — and everyone is at risk of having their sex tape published online," the publication of celebrity sex tapes is less justified in the eyes of readers, said Max Read, a former editor of Gawker.

The online world in which these sites operate, even compared with 2012 when Gawker posted the video of Bollea, is no longer the same. Visitors increasingly arrive from social platforms — mainly Facebook — and those readers have far more control of how a story is received.



Pleasing stories can be shared and cheered on those social platforms. Behavior deemed bad can now be shunned with immediate results.

The change was evident as the verdict came down on Friday.



On Twitter and elsewhere, fans of Bollea and critics — including many journalists — enthusiastically cheered the potential death of Gawker. Some others, shocked at the size of the award, declared it a chilling moment for the press. (Legal experts suggest that the real influence of the case, in the event that this decision is upheld, would be narrow.)

But in 2012, the vast majority of Twitter posts that linked to Gawker's video were lighthearted jokes — about Bollea's physique, about the humiliation of a childhood idol, about fame-seeking.




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【嬰兒與母親電子報】提供完整婦幼保健觀念,兼具實用性、權威性、知識性的婦幼專業知識。 【跟我學日語—高級報】每週文章介紹日本相關資訊,讓你不僅可認識日本,更可藉由閱讀文章來加深日文程度。
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2016/04/29 第302期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
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  • nor 常用在not, no, never 之後。
  • nor 放句首時,句子要倒裝(nor +助動詞或be 動詞+主詞),具否定意思。
  • 「neither A nor B」(既不是A,也不是B) 具否定意思,A 與B 要是對等的字、片語或子句。
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