2017年9月28日 星期四


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2017/09/29 第378期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 倫敦背包行
【本月發燒書】 Don't Say It! 600個你一定會錯的英文
【好康情報局】 2017開學書展 單書79折 套書75折 滿千再送筆記本!

talk through one's hat

A:Marcia just told me that she just bought a really nice car.
B:Oh, she's just talking through her hat. Her car isn't that special.


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倫敦背包行 The Backpacking Trip in London

Eurail pass? Check. Travel partner and best friend? Check. Enough clothes and supplies to last two months abroad? I sure hope so.

After scouring the Web for bargains, we book our flight to London. We've been studying maps, youth hostel websites, and train routes since January. Now with our last semester of high school behind us, we embark on a new adventure: the classic summer backpacking trip.

Upon arriving at the airport, we take the Tube and head toward our youth hostel in the city center. With our money belts tucked inside our jeans, we emerge from the Underground, and I begin to study the map I printed from the Internet.

Within a few minutes, my face wrinkles into a look of confusion. Luckily, a friendly Londoner notices we need help and points us in the right direction. The receptionist at the hostel's front desk tells us where to leave our things, so we lock up our backpacks and set out. Following a proper meal of fish and chips, we spend the afternoon photographing Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and Piccadilly Circus.

Back at the youth hostel that evening, we chat with our roommates. They are from California, and London is their last stop before heading back home. Later, we join some Canadian backpackers in the lobby, and we all go out to a pub for dinner. So far, all the hostellers we've met have been friendly and full of travel tips and suggestions. If this is a taste of what the next two months will be like, I could really get used to the life of a backpacker!






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Don't Say It! 600個你一定會錯的英文
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TOEIC字彙集-字根篇360》這一地區有上百 species (n.種) 生物。

【e研快樂日語初級報】提供日文初學者實用生活日語,以及東京旅遊資訊,體驗日本文化並將所學用於生活中。 忙到沒時間對統一發票嗎?【統一發票電子報】為你快遞每兩個月的最新號碼,讓你不錯失成為百萬富翁的機會!
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2017/09/28 第468期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份
species (n.種)
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【留遊學起手式】托福測驗前進秋季留遊學展,TOEFL iBT高效率講座、專人諮詢,還有好康抽獎任你玩!
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spect to see, view看;
[ aspect ]
a=ad,to+spect,to see,look
[ inspect ]
in,in,into+spect,to see,look,view v.檢查,審查,調查(examine,review)
[ perspective ]
per,through+spect,to see+live,tending to
[ suspect ]
su(s),under+spect,to see
n.嫌疑犯;a.不可信的,令人懷疑的(suspected) →suspicious a.懷疑的,可疑的
[ species ]
spec(i),to see+es,(pl.)→appearance
[ specific ]
spec(i),to see,view+fic,to do,make
n.特效藥 →specify v.載明,指定
[ conspicuous ]
con,intens.,together+spic(u),to see+ous,full of
She is always conspicuous because of her showy dress.
[ perspicacious ]
per,through+spic,to see+acious,become,
full of a.明智的;明察的(discerning)
→perspicuous a.顯明的,明白的
[ despise ]
de,down+spis(e),to see,view
→despicable a.可鄙的,卑劣的
[ despite ]
de,down+spit(e),to see,view
perp.不管,不顧(in spite of);縱使(notwithstanding)
【 2017多益測驗日期 】
11/26 (報名截止日-2017/10/11)
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n. → noun 名詞
v. → verb 動詞
a. → adjective 形容詞
adv. → adverb 副詞
s. → suffix 字尾
n.s. → noun suffix 名詞字尾
a.s. → adjective suffix 形容詞字尾
v.s. → verb suffix 動詞字尾
L.s. → Latin suffix 拉丁字字尾
pl. → 複數
←→ → 表示「反義字」
intens. → intensive mood 強調的語氣
syn. → 同義字
n.b. → nota bene 注意
作者高志豪 資深多益教學專家

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