2017年9月14日 星期四


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2017/09/08 第375期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
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【英語學習Plus】 EMP美術館
【本月發燒書】 英文文法聖經【二版】


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Not on your life. 你休想。

A:Want to go skydiving with us next Saturday?
B:Not on your life.


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EMP美術館 EMP Museum

I've visited many different museums for my arts column, but none of them was more fun than EMP in downtown Seattle. For one thing, there's the building's unique exterior. How could someone not love the look? There is a train track running through the middle of the building. It looks like a train station on the moon!

It's not only the exterior that stands out, but also the exhibits inside. They help to make the EMP Museum truly one of a kind. Most museums focus on the past, but EMP looks at the present. Exhibits cover different aspects of popular culture like music, movies, sports, and even video games. My favorite exhibit was Seattle Seahawks and the Road to Victory. It really gave me a behind-the-scenes look at Seattle's football team.

Perhaps the EMP Museum is so unique because of the colorful people behind it. It was founded by Microsoft's Paul Allen in 2000, and designed by Frank Gehry, a famous Canadian architect. Just visit EMP and you will see that their hard work has really paid off.



或許EMP博物館的獨到之處,在於有趣的創辦人。此博物館由微軟的保羅• 艾倫於2000年所創,並由知名的加拿大建築師法蘭克• 蓋瑞所設計。只要一遊EMP,你就會理解他們的心血造成多大的迴響。

<< 選自 In Focus 英語閱讀:活用五大關鍵技巧2 >>
有沒有逗號差很大,逗號放錯地方會死人;文法會是最致命的武器!《英文文法聖經》,以詼諧的口吻,像身邊的老師一般,教導讀者避開很雷的文法陷阱,引領讀者輕鬆掌握文法規則,懂了!自然就會用! .詳全文
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