2021年1月31日 星期日

老闆說他只有 a small window,不是他的窗戶很小

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2021/01/29 第413期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
 2021-01-29 VOL:758
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老闆說他只有 a small window,不是他的窗戶很小


"I only have a small window before the three o’clock meeting."

Window? Adam心想,什麼小窗戶?還是,要我和某個窗口談?





1. Window 




a. Small window 

  • I’m busy this week but there might be a small window on Wednesday.

b. Window of opportunity

有時也會用更完整一點的說法,就是window of opportunity,直譯是時機之窗,就是指可以做某件事的一個短暫的時機。

  • I've got a window of opportunity to talk to my boss about a pay raise tomorrow.

c. Out the window 的意思是什麼事情已經過去了,來不及了,不可能了

  • My computer crashed yesterday, so any chance of finishing my work is out the window.







  • You should aim to build up a cushion of money in case of emergencies. 你應該儘量留一些應急的錢。


  • You may want to cushion the blow of layoffs. 你可能得設法緩和裁員帶來的衝擊。 
  • The quarterly revenue growth helped cushion the impact of global recession. 本季度的收入成長緩解了全球經濟衰退造成的影響。


3. Plate




On one’s plate 

Plate第一層是「盤子,盆子; 金屬板」。指工作多不得了,有一個慣用成語,叫做have enough/a lot/too much on your plate,意思是「問題(或工作等)成堆」。

I’ve got a lot on my plate - especially with two new projects starting this week.


Off one's plate

有on就有off,off one's plate 意思為「不再是某人的責任或工作」。

Don't worry. Let me take care of the problem and take that off your plate. 



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  1. I think I can’t wait. 我想我等不及了。
  2. Please close the door after using. 使用後請關門。
  3. I spent one hundred dollars for that meal. 我花了一百元吃那一餐。
  4. I forgot to lock the door, so I went back and saw it’s already locked. 我忘記鎖過門了,所以又回去發現門已經上鎖了。
  5. You did me a favor. I won’t forget. 你幫了我,我不會忘記的。

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2021年1月28日 星期四

European Populists Who Looked to Trump Now Look Away 歐洲民粹運動 與川普劃清界線

成功不是偶然,能力才是關鍵!【能力雜誌電子報】是專業經理人暨上班族提升競爭力最佳管道! 【樂高雄電子報】提供讀者掌握高雄最「夯」的訊息,感受維持不變的人情味與不斷改變的新高雄。
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2021/01/29 第325期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 European Populists Who Looked to Trump Now Look Away 歐洲民粹運動 與川普劃清界線
Trump's Legacy: Voters Who Reject Democracy and Any Politics but Their Own 川普政治遺產:拒絕民主的選民
European Populists Who Looked to Trump Now Look Away 歐洲民粹運動 與川普劃清界線
文/Steven Erlanger
譯/李京倫 核稿/樂慧生

歐洲民粹運動 與川普劃清界線

For Europe's populists, the electoral defeat of President Donald Trump, who has been a symbol of success and a strong supporter, was bad enough. But his refusal to accept defeat and the violence that followed appears to have damaged the prospects of similarly minded leaders across the continent.


"What happened in the Capitol following the defeat of Donald Trump is a bad omen for the populists," said Dominique Moïsi, a senior analyst at the Paris-based Institut Montaigne. "It says two things: If you elect them, they don't leave power easily, and if you elect them, look at what they can do in calling for popular anger."


The long day of rioting, violence and death as Trump's supporters stormed the Capitol has presented a clear warning to countries such as France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland about underestimating the force of populist anger and the prevalence of conspiracy theories aimed at democratic governments.


Heather Grabbe, director of the Open Society European Policy Institute in Brussels, said the unrest showed how the populist playbook was founded on "us versus them and leads to violence."


"It's very important to show where populism leads and how it plays with fire," she added. "When you've aroused your supporters with political arguments about us versus them, they are not opponents but enemies who must be fought with all means, and it both leads to violence and makes conceding power impossible."


Just how threatening Europe's populists found the events in the United States could be seen in their reaction: One by one, they distanced themselves from the rioting or fell silent.


There remains considerable anxiety among mainstream politicians about anti-elitist, anti-government political movements in Europe, especially amid the confusion and anxiety produced by the coronavirus pandemic.


Janis A. Emmanouilidis, director of studies at the European Policy Center in Brussels, said that there was no uniform European populism. The various movements have different characteristics in different countries, and outside events are only one factor in their varying popularity, he noted.


The "amazing polarization of society" and the violence in Washington "creates a lot of deterrence in other societies," Emmanouilidis said. "We see where it leads, we want to avoid it, but we are aware that we too could get to that point, that things could escalate."


Trump's Legacy: Voters Who Reject Democracy and Any Politics but Their Own 川普政治遺產:拒絕民主的選民
文/Trip Gabriel


The sight of a violent mob inspired by President Donald Trump smashing its way into the Capitol was more than just a shocking spectacle. It also highlighted one of the most dangerous parts of Trump's legacy: the disbelief in democracy that has metastasized among many of his supporters.


While the turmoil has divided Republican officials, there are few signs of division among these voters who fervently back Trump. In interviews earlier this month, they expressed sympathy with what they said were the motives of the mob: to stop the counting of Electoral College results in Congress, under the false premise that widespread fraud had deprived the president of reelection.


The adherence of Trump's base to his groundless claims of a "sacred landslide" victory and their rejection of a routine constitutional process — a position abetted by 147 congressional Republicans who objected to certifying President-elect Joe Biden's election — suggests that a core part of the Republican Party is dead-set on rejecting the legitimacy of any politics or party but their own.


In the interviews, Trump supporters adamantly clung to what they called evidence of a fraudulent election, engaged in so-called whataboutism to play down the scenes of destruction in Washington and accused the news media of being overly melodramatic in describing events as a historic inflection.


Since Trump first ran for president, his critics have been predicting that one of his norm-shattering acts would send droves of his supporters fleeing. It has never happened.


For these voters, the lack of allegiance to democratic values seemed to stem, in part, from the shift among many Republicans to imbibing information from sources that offer propaganda rather than news and facts.


Another likely factor that leads to delegitimizing political opponents among Trump supporters is the scorched-earth attacks on Democratic candidates during elections.


Some members of the president's base said they would view Biden as illegitimately occupying the Oval Office, a further polarization of Americans after years when some Democrats questioned or denied Trump's legitimacy.


In the view of many Trump supporters, the president was never given a chance to govern; he was besieged from day one by claims of Russian collusion, fierce obstruction of his priorities and, ultimately, an impeachment.




川普選舉前後不斷播下懷疑大選合法性的種子,delegitimize即形容他此項作為,字意為「使失去合法性」,即to remove the legitimate status of。


首段片語smash into指「闖進」,同break into,play down是把嚴重事情淡化。play up正好相反,指「誇大」。


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