2016年8月18日 星期四

送禮的文化 The Gifting Culture (1)

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2016/08/19 第317期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
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【英語學習Plus】 送禮的文化 The Gifting Culture (1)
【本月發燒書】 彩圖實境旅遊英語【二版】
【好康情報局】 那些被改編成電影的著作 電影書展 全面79折
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送禮的文化 The Gifting Culture (1)

In Taiwan, giving gifts is quite popular. Gifts can be given on many different occasions. When people get married, move into a house, give birth to a baby, start a business, and so on, they usually receive gifts from friends.

During Chinese New Year, children and the elderly receive money as a gift. Money is also given to the happy couple on their wedding day. Even when going to a funeral, you must give money to the bereaved. When money is given as a gift in Taiwan, it is always put in a red envelope, unless the occasion is a funeral, in which a white envelope is used instead. The color red represents good fortune while white is associated with death in Taiwanese culture. When giving a gift, foreigners should be careful not to give money in any denomination that has a four, as this number represents death. In Mandarin, the words for death and four sound almost the same. Therefore, Taiwanese people tend to avoid this number. Even today, hospitals in Taiwan don’t have a fourth floor. If they did, nobody would want to stay on it.





<< 本篇選自 用英文介紹台灣:實用觀光導遊英語【三版】 >>
「圖像學習」是最有效率的語言學習方式,本書針對旅遊英語關鍵字彙,配上實境照片,強力連結單字與實物,不但能讓您輕鬆學習單字,更能在出國旅遊之前,來一趟實境的虛擬神遊! ....詳全文
彩圖實境旅遊英語:會話模擬練功 Enjoy Your Trip! 專業觀光英語 說著英語去旅行
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