2019年3月25日 星期一

The Adventures of Maruko  櫻桃小丸子的青春冒險旅程

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2019/03/26 第396期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Adventures of Maruko 櫻桃小丸子的青春冒險旅程
Take a look back at Momoko Sakura’s iconic series.



  Chibi Maruko-chan, one of the most popular animated series in Japanese history, portrays the adventures of a nine-year-old girl named Maruko. Maruko is cute and friendly towards everyone, although she is also a little bit lazy. She is very curious about the world and loves spending time with her grandfather. Fans enjoy the show because they get to see the world through her eyes.
  The series was created by the talented manga artist, Momoko Sakura. Sakura grew up in a small, peaceful town in Japan during the 1970s and used her childhood memories as inspiration for the show. In addition to her animation work, Sakura also had an impact on Japanese music. She liked to put songs from new artists in the episodes so her fans could discover them. Sakura even wrote the words to “Odoru Ponpokorin,” a pop song that reached the top of the Oricon Singles Charts.
  When Sakura died from cancer in 2018, millions of fans around the world were shocked and sad. Many left thoughtful messages on social media, expressing their gratitude to Sakura for bringing joy to their childhood years with her enjoyable cartoon.












1. iconic a. 代表性的,指標性的
One of the most iconic landmarks in the world is the Statue of Liberty.

2. portray vt. 描繪,描寫
The movie portrayed the war between the Greeks and Trojans.

3. talented a. 有天賦的,有才能的
A lack of talented people made it hard for the team to carry out their project.

4. inspiration n. 靈感
The songwriter got a lot of inspiration from being in love.

5. have an impact on...  對……產生影響/衝擊
impact n. 影響,衝擊
Violent TV shows might have a negative impact on kids.

6. thoughtful a. 體貼的,關心的
It is thoughtful of sb to V  某人很體貼的(做)……
It was thoughtful of our neighbors to watch our house for us while we were away on vacation.

7. express / show one’s gratitude (to sb)  (對某人)表達感謝
gratitude n. 感激,謝意
We sent Patty a gift to express our gratitude for her hard work.

8. enjoyable a. 令人愉快的;有趣的
Mindy had an enjoyable day at the mall yesterday.


fan 的相關用法
本文中的名詞 fan 表「……迷/粉絲,(某事物或人的)狂熱愛好者」,相關片語為 be a fan of...(喜歡……;是……的迷)。另外,有一個相關詞彙為 fan mail,表「崇拜者的來信」。例:

Rick is a big fan of that baseball team and never misses any of their games.

The famous rock band receives a lot of fan mail.


  櫻桃子於 2018 年時因罹患癌症而過世,世界各地數百萬名的粉絲同感震驚與悲痛。許多人在社群媒體上留下關心的留言,對櫻桃子表達感激之情,謝謝她用那麼令人開心的卡通為大家的童年時光帶來歡樂。








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