| | | | 簡介: | | Michelle Obama: Yes She Can | 蜜雪兒.歐巴馬的強大之路 | | Michelle Obama has never allowed herself to be defined by the labels others have placed on her. Early on, her parents instilled in her the confidence to brush off those who would discount her because of her race, gender, or modest background. As a result, she has continually proved doubters wrong. With her parents' support, the high-achieving Chicago native excelled in high school, graduated cum laude from Princeton, earned a Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School, and accepted a position at a prestigious law firm. | | 蜜雪兒.歐巴馬從來不任由自己被他人貼在她身上的標籤所定義。早期,她的父母灌輸她信心,讓她能置之不理那些因為她的種族、性別或平凡出身而不把她當一回事的人。於是,她不斷證明懷疑她的人是錯的。在父母的支持下,這位高成就的芝加哥本地人,高中時的表現出眾,以優等成績畢業於普林斯頓大學,在哈佛法學院攻得法律博士學位,並在一間聲譽卓著的律師事務所任職。 | | 《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.183 3月號biz互動英語雜誌 》 | | | | | | | 2019/3/11(一) | | I completely forgot my speech as soon as I got onstage! Thanks for throwing me a lifeline by asking a question. 一上台我就完全忘詞了!謝謝你提問為我解圍。 |
| 2019/3/12(二) | | Stephen King's novels give me the creeps, but both of my brothers love his books and movies. 史蒂芬.金的小說讓我起雞皮疙瘩,但我的兩個兄弟都很愛他的書和電影。 |
| 2019/3/13(三) | | The early bird price is only valid for the first 200 tickets, so let's not miss out on it. 只有前兩百張的票是早鳥價,所以我們別錯過了。 |
| 2019/3/14(四) | | We can call it a night after we tally up our sales for the day. 加總今天的業績後,我們就可以打烊了。 |
| 2019/3/15(五) | | Benny has been on cloud nine since finding out his wife is pregnant with twins. 自從得知妻子懷了雙胞胎,班尼就開心得不得了。 | | | | | | | | | | | |