2019年3月31日 星期日

「再過不久」就可以知道結果,英文到底是before long還是long before?

【非凡商業周刊電子報】掌握最新財經資訊,分析國內、外總體經濟,現今當紅產業剖析,個股研判相關報導。 【倡議+ 電子報】傳遞人物故事,鎖定泛教育、社企…等領域,透過他們為社會付出故事,期待引起更多共鳴。
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2019/04/01 第321期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
 2019-03-29 VOL:662
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這句英文怎麼說 ?



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「再過不久」就可以知道結果,英文到底是before long還是long before?

會議開始前,主持人說:This meeting will finish before very long. 比 very long還要之前,到底是久?還是不久?


Before long, we received DNA results.


If you hit the gym at least three times a week, you’ll get back into shape before long.


before long vs long before

把before跟long兩個字調換成long before,表示「很久以前」a long time ago。

We’d moved to California long before. 我們很久以前就搬到加州了。


1. for good

(X) 為了好

(O) 永遠、一勞永逸

for雖然有為了、因為的意思,但for good的意思是表示永遠、一勞永逸

A: Are you leaving?


B: Yes, for good.


2. and so on (and so forth)

(X) 所以、然後

(O) 諸如此類、等等

也可以換成etc. (et cetera的縮寫),唸做/U+26AtU+2C8set.U+259r.U+259/。

John is into soccer, cycling, table tennis and so on.


3. Will you be about tonight? 

(X) 今晚跟你有關係嗎?

(O) 你今晚會在嗎?

「關於」什麼事,用have something to do with sb./sth.,be about表示「在附近」。

Will Harper be about Friday evening? I want to ask her a little favor.


There’s no one about. It’s so creepy.



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  1. Ten years are a very long time. 十年是一段很長的時間。

  2. Thirty rules are a lot to digest. 很難消化三十條規則。

  3. The arrival of spring signals have excited all of us. 春天到來振奮了我們每個人。

  4. Either you or I are to go. 你我之間總有一個人要去。

  5. Many a boy are playing in the park. 很多小男孩正在公園裡玩耍。

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2019年3月28日 星期四

Labor’s Hard Choice in Amazon Age: Play Along or Get Tough 科技巨頭亞馬遜時代下 勞工的艱難選擇

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2019/04/05 第257期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Labor's Hard Choice in Amazon Age: Play Along or Get Tough 科技巨頭亞馬遜時代下 勞工的艱難選擇
Businesses can deliver everything on demand, from dinner to dry cleaning. Now, entrepreneurs are exploring a growing niche: heal
Labor's Hard Choice in Amazon Age: Play Along or Get Tough 科技巨頭亞馬遜時代下 勞工的艱難選擇
文/Noam Scheibe

It's one of the most vexing challenges facing the labor movement: how to wield influence in an era increasingly dominated by technology giants that are often resistant to unions.

Are workers best served when unions take an adversarial stance toward such companies? Or should labor groups seek cooperation with employers, even if the resulting deals do little to advance labor's broader goals?



The debate has flared up around labor's efforts to make inroads with the likes of Uber and Airbnb, businesses that allow drivers and homeowners to earn income as contractors. And it was on vivid display in the political battle over Amazon's plan to create a new headquarters in New York with 25,000 jobs.


The plan fell apart in the face of a backlash over public subsidies, resentment of the covert process in which the city and the state negotiated the deal, and concern about its neighborhood impact. But labor issues were also a factor, giving rise to tensions even among unions.


In the more confrontational camp were labor groups led by the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, which called on the city and the state to withhold nearly $3 billion in subsidies unless Amazon established a "fair process" for its warehouse workers in the city to unionize. The retail workers said they were open to negotiating what that meant.


"I think we stood on principle," said Stuart Appelbaum, the retail workers' president. "If you're aggressively anti-union, we shouldn't be giving you subsidies."


A company executive told the City Council in January that Amazon would not remain neutral in an organizing campaign at its local facilities, though an Amazon spokesman said last month"We respect the rights of our employees to choose to join or not join a union."


In the engagement camp was the local council of building trade unions, whose members were likely to get work from Amazon's Queens construction. They were joined by a Service Employees International Union local, which had gained the right to represent janitors and other service workers at the Queens complex.


"Their presence in New York — a progressive community, a union town — was eventually going to lead to some potential change down the road," said Héctor J. Figueroa, president of the service employees local, known as 32BJ.




give rise to與lead to中文都是「導致」,不過,give rise to較正式,通常指引發負面的事,如:His speech gave rise to a bitter argument.又如:The president's absence has given rise to speculation about his health.

lead to較無限制,可接正面或負面的事,如:a process of negotiation leading to a peaceful settlement。

resistant、adversarial、confrontational乍看都是「敵對、對抗的」,但用法不同。resistant指「反對某事,而且想阻止它發生」,如:Many managers are resistant to change.

adversarial通常指兩方互相反對和攻擊,如:the adversarial nature of two-party politics。

confrontational是指「很可能引發爭論或令人生氣」,如:a confrontational style of management。

Businesses can deliver everything on demand, from dinner to dry cleaning. Now, entrepreneurs are exploring a growing niche: heal
文/Janet Morrissey


Startups are offering access to doctors, prescription drugs and wellness programs as fast and easy as hailing an Uber driver. Experts say this is the early stages of a movement that could disrupt the health services industry, which critics have long contended suffers from soaring costs and reduced access to care.


"Health care delivery is so broken that we need to explore new channels — new conduits — and this represents one of them," said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and author of "The Patient Will See You Now."


The on-demand economy, which offers consumers immediate access to goods and services, surged 58 percent in 2017 from the previous year to an estimated $75.7 billion, according to a study by Rockbridge Associates, a market research firm.

根據市場研究公司Rockbridge Associates的調查,讓消費者能立刻獲得商品與服務的隨選經濟,2017年規模較前一年成長58%,約達757億美元。

As the industry swells, dozens of health and wellness companies are tapping the trend.


Heal, DispatchHealth, MedZed, Dose Healthcare and Pager will send a doctor or a nurse practitioner to a person's home or workplace to treat nonemergency problems like strep throat or a sprained ankle. The I.V. Doc offers intravenous treatments for conditions like jet lag, hangovers and food poisoning. And Capsule will deliver prescriptions to a person's doorstep.

新創公司Heal、MedZed、DispatchHealth、Dose Healthcare及Pager會派一名醫生或執業護理師到一個人的家裡或工作場所,以處理鏈球菌咽喉炎或腳踝扭傷等不須急救的問題,IV Doc則為時差、宿醉與食物中毒等情況提供靜脈注射治療,而Capsule會將處方藥送到你家門口。

Some startups — especially on-demand medical companies, like Heal and DispatchHealth — needed substantial cash to hire doctors, lease vehicles and bring in administrative staff to handle insurance claims.


Cue the investors.


Samir M. Patel, a principal and co-founder of IRA Capital, was so impressed with Heal after using it for at-home visits and an annual physical in his office that he became an investor.


But the potential to be the next "unicorn" — a startup valued at $1 billion or more — has created a crowded field.


The popularity of the I.V. Doc prompted a flurry of smaller companies, like IVDrips, Drip Hydration and the Hangover Club/NutriDrip, to offer similar services — sometimes at cheaper prices. To fend off competition, the I.V. Doc recently expanded to offer injectable drugs, like Botox and Restylane, as well as postoperative care for plastic surgery.

IV Doc大受歡迎,促使一些較小的公司如IVDrips,Drip Hydration與Hangover Club或NutriDrip提供類似服務,有時候收費更低。為了擺脫競爭,IV Doc近來擴大服務範圍,開始提供注射藥物如保妥適肉毒桿菌素與瑞絲朗玻尿酸,以及整形手術的術後照護。

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2019/03/29 第455期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 計畫一次集集支線之旅
【本月發燒書】 新制New TOEIC聽力閱讀超高分:最新多益改版黃金試題2000題 【聽力+閱讀 雙書版】
【好康情報局】 新書推薦《英語閱讀技巧完全攻略3【二版】》

【口語會話 Follow me】

In short, ...

A: In short, my suggestion is that we open up another store in the downtown area.
B: I'll consider it.

A: 簡言之,我的提議就是在市區再開一家店。
B: 我會考慮。

※ You can also say "In a nutshell, ..."

────── 節錄《OMG! 超好用生活英語萬用句》

計畫一次集集支線之旅 Planning a trip on the Jiji Branch Line

Steve: What are you up to this weekend?
Ella: I'm going to take a trip on the Jiji Branch Line.
Steve: Oh... are you a railway enthusiast, then?
Ella: No, not at all. It's just that this is a really beautiful railway line. It's not on Taiwan's main railway route. It's just a line that goes inland into Nantou County.
Steve: OK, I've heard that that's a beautiful area.
Ella: That's right. Hundreds of tourists travel on the Jiji line every weekend.
Steve: So I'm guessing you'll finish your day in Jiji, right?
Ella: Actually no. I went there a few months ago, so I thought I'd go to Checheng this weekend. That's the town right at the end of the line.
Steve: What is there to see there?
Ella:: I don't know too much about the town, but I've heard that there's a museum of local history and some old-fashioned wooden buildings there. It could be fun to look around.

史蒂夫: 你這個週末有什麼打算?
艾拉: 我要來一趟集集支線鐵道之旅。
史蒂夫: 哦...那你是鐵道迷囉?
艾拉: 沒錯,所以每個週末都有數百名觀光客到這裡搭集集小火車。
艾拉: 我對那個小鎮知道的不多,不過我聽說鎮上有當地歷史的博物館和一些老式的木造建築。四處走走看看應該會挺有趣的。

新制New TOEIC聽力閱讀超高分:最新多益改版黃金試題2000題 【聽力+閱讀 雙書版】 (16K+MP3)

觀光英語Let's Go!【三版】 (25K彩圖+1MP3)


The Wizard of Oz【原著彩圖版】(25K彩色)

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