2018年8月13日 星期一

Shifen Waterfall and Old Street  臺灣也有尼加拉瀑布

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2018/08/14 第363期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Shifen Waterfall and Old Street 臺灣也有尼加拉瀑布
Be sure to check out one of northern Taiwan's most beautiful waterfalls.



   While Taiwan is known for its shopping and cheap street food, locals outside of the major cities know that its natural beauty is second to none. Northern Taiwan in particular is home to one of the most beautiful waterfalls on the island—Shifen Waterfall. The best part is that it is located in between beautiful green mountains, and you can reach it by taking one of the island's most historic train lines.
  Visitors can take the train to Ruifang and hop on the Pingxi rail line. This short track once linked all of the coal mining towns in the area. Now,
tourists can travel there to get a look into the recent past. After getting off the train at Shifen station, Shifen Waterfall is only a short walk away. At around 20 meters tall and 40 meters wide, it is one of the largest waterfalls in Taiwan. The relaxing sound of the falling water is the perfect way to get away from the stress of the city. After that, you can head back to Shifen Old Street and treat yourself to delicious local street food and enjoy the sights in this former coal mining town.






































▼ rail n. 鐵路系統;鐵軌
▼ coal mining
n. 採煤


1. be known for sth  因某事物聞名/為人所知
That person is known for his odd personality and unusual behavior.
* odd a. 奇特的,古怪的

2. local n. 當地居民,本地人 & a. 當地的
Dean likes that small town because the locals are friendly.

3. major a. 大的,主要的,重要的
A major concern with this project is the cost.
* concern n. 擔心,憂慮

4. be located in / on / at...  坐落於……
Our office is located in the center of Taipei City.

5. historic a. 具歷史性的;歷史著名的
It was on this historic spot that the battle was fought.

6. tourist n. 觀光客,遊客
Recently, the number of tourists in this city has increased greatly.

7. relaxing a. 使人放鬆的,輕鬆的
We didn't go out on the town. Instead, we stayed at home and had a nice, relaxing evening by the fire.

8. head back / forwards / for...  向……去,朝……前進
It is starting to snow heavily, so we had better head back.


本文中的片語 be second to none 表「首屈一指,不亞於任何人(事物)」,那「僅次於某物」又該如何表示呢?是 be second only to sth。還有一個常用於比賽中的片語 second wind,指的是「(感到精疲力竭後)重振精神」。讓我們來看看這些片語所搭配的例句吧!

The quality of the Hawthorn English Language Centre in Melbourne is second to none.

Copper was the first metal used by humans, and its importance is second only to iron through the ages.

After eating a banana and some salt, April got a second wind to finish the race.












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