2017年10月16日 星期一

Destination Wild: The Desert Sea  野外遊蹤 —— 沙漠之海

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2017/10/17 第321期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Destination Wild: The Desert Sea    野外遊蹤 —— 沙漠之海
Learn about North America's most extreme desert.



   Ranging from the southwest corner of the United States down into Mexico along the Sea of Cortez is the Sonoran Desert. Thanks to its location, this desert is the hottest and wettest desert in North America. This has given rise to a huge variety of one-of-a-kind plants and animals that call the Sonoran Desert home. This rough environment is the perfect place for a special two-part series on National Geographic's Destination Wild: The Desert Sea.
   With summer temperatures that can rise to 48°C, it is amazing that anything lives in the Sonoran Desert. In fact, life not only survives but does well here. It is home to over 2,000 species of plants alone, including the giant saguaro cactus. These giant cacti can grow to over 21 meters tall and live up to 200 years. They fit in perfectly with the desert environment because they can store over 700 liters of water after a storm. The Sonoran Desert is also home to one of the New World's most dangerous predators, the jaguar. This month, let National Geographic take you on a tour of the beautiful Sonoran Desert in Destination Wild: The Desert Sea.























   索諾拉沙漠自美國西南一隅橫跨至墨西哥的科爾蒂斯海沿岸一帶。因地理位置的關係,這片沙漠是北美洲最炎熱潮濕的沙漠。這樣的環境條件孕育出了以索諾拉沙漠為棲息地且種類繁多的特有種動植物。此種惡劣的環境正是國家地理分為兩集播出的特別系列節目《野外遊蹤 —— 沙漠之海》的完美拍攝地點。
   在夏季氣溫可達攝氏四十八度的索諾拉沙漠裡,居然有東西存活是很令人不可思議的。事實上,這裡的生物不僅能存活,還能夠茁壯。這片沙漠所孕育的物種,光是植物就多達兩千多種,其中包含了巨人柱仙人掌。這種巨型仙人掌能長到二十一公尺以上的高度,並且可活到兩百年。它們在沙漠環境中適應良好,因為它們能夠在一場暴風雨之後儲存七百多公升的水分。索諾拉沙漠也是新世界裡最危險的掠食者之一的美洲豹的家。這個月,讓國家地理的《野外遊蹤 —— 沙漠之海》帶你去參觀美麗的索諾拉沙漠吧。

  1. desert n. 沙漠,荒漠
    Todd and Tammy traveled across the Sahara Desert by camel last year.
  2. extreme a. 極端的;極度的
    The hen watched over her chicks with extreme care.
  3. wet a. 潮濕的
    Take care not to slip on the wet floor.
  4. give rise to...  引起/導致……
    Delay in the project could give rise to more problems.
  5. rough a. 艱困的;粗糙的
    Those soldiers had a rough time together, which made them closer.
  6. survive vi. & vt. 存活/保存下來;挺過來
    The custom still survives in certain societies.

destination n. 目的地,終點
cactus n. 仙人掌(複數為 cacti)
predator n. 掠食動物
jaguar n.(產於南美的)美洲豹

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