2020年11月29日 星期日

機器act up不是動起來,而是出狀況了!

【bobo小天才.輕鬆玩教養】針對家長頭痛的學齡前教養問題開闢解決方案,讓家長輕鬆地教導孩子。 網路時代,部落格是最佳發聲的平台。從【部落客名嘴】電子報非大眾媒體的角度,看個人媒體如何發揮影響力!
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2020/11/27 第404期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
 2020-11-27 VOL:749
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機器act up不是動起來,而是出狀況了!

為了如期交貨,生產機台連日運作趕工,大家忙得不可開交之際,傳出一聲驚呼:「The motor acts up!」聽懂這句英文的人都知道大事不妙了。……以up作字尾的片語常被譯為「…起來」,但以下三例的實際意思卻天差地遠:


1. Act up

  • (X) 動起來
  • (O) 出狀況

說明:act up常被誤解為「開始行動」,其實此語是表示機器「故障」或身體部位「犯病」,也可以用來指小孩子「調皮搗蛋」。

例:The car’s engine acts up from time to time.這輛車的引擎經常故障。

例:These boys always act up in class. 這群男孩上課時老是調皮搗蛋。


2. Cook up

  • (X) 煮起來
  • (O) 編故事

說明:動詞cook是「煮」,但cook up跟烹飪沒有關係,加了介系詞up的cook意為「竄改、捏造」,cook up也就是「編造」謊言、藉口換取他人信任的意思。

例:That does it! Do not cook up any excuse for failure again. 夠了!不要再為失敗編造任何藉口。


3. Draw up

  • (X) 畫起來
  • (O) 擬定/靠近/停住

說明:Draw大家很熟悉,是「畫」,但draw up意思就很多樣,來看例句:

1) 起草,制訂 

The lawyers drew up a contract over the weekend. 這律師周末擬了一個合約。

2) 使靠近 

Draw up a chair and sit down. 拉把椅子過來坐下。

3) 停住 

A truck drew up in front of the house. 一輛卡車在房子前停下來。


4. Not add up

  • (X) 加不起來
  • (O) 不合情理

說明:add up有「加總」之意,但口語上add up另可表示「合理、前後一致」,作為此解時,常以否定句型表述。

例:His story doesn’t add up, so I don’t buy it. 他的說法不合情理,所以我不相信。


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「告發」的英文不是inform about



  1. Please inform me his arrival. 他到了請通知我。
  2. My boss informed me about that I would be relocated abroad. 我的老板告訴我,我可能被調往國外。
  3. I’ll inform you to come early if necessary. 如果有必要的話,我會通知你早點來。
  4. One thief informed of the others. 一名竊賊告發了他的同夥。
  5. These lyrics are informed of sincerity. 這些歌詞充滿真摰的感情。

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2020年11月26日 星期四

Trump’s Defeat Weakens Boris Johnson in Urgent Brexit Talks 川普敗選 害到英國脫歐談判

【bobo小天才.輕鬆玩教養】針對家長頭痛的學齡前教養問題開闢解決方案,讓家長輕鬆地教導孩子。 網路時代,部落格是最佳發聲的平台。從【部落客名嘴】電子報非大眾媒體的角度,看個人媒體如何發揮影響力!
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2020/11/27 第323期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Restaurants Have Lavish Setups for Outdoor Winter Dining 寒冬抗疫 美國戶外用餐比「熱度」
Trump's Defeat Weakens Boris Johnson in Urgent Brexit Talks 川普敗選 害到英國脫歐談判
Restaurants Have Lavish Setups for Outdoor Winter Dining 寒冬抗疫 美國戶外用餐比「熱度」
文/Winnie Hu and Nate Schweber
李京倫/譯 樂慧生/核稿

寒冬抗疫 美戶外用餐比「熱度」

A Latin fusion restaurant in Queens will serve crispy arepa cups and ropa vieja at an outdoor dining chalet with rustic wood beams and sparkling chandeliers.


In the Bronx, an Italian place has winter-proofed its back patio with Plexiglas walls and electric heaters, along with festive vines with pink flowers.


And a Manhattan bistro is handing out silver space blankets to shivering diners.


A pandemic that has upended much of life in New York is now ushering in something the city has never really tried: dining by snow and ice. Or, as some restaurants are telling customers, the new BYOB is bring your own blanket.


The explosion of outdoor dining has been a savior for more than 10,000 restaurants and bars that have taken over sidewalks, streets and public spaces to try to keep their businesses afloat. It has been so popular that Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City Council are making outdoor dining permanent.


But year-round dining outside is untested in the city's bone-chilling winters, and has created daunting challenges for an industry fighting to survive.


"Are we going to have a mild winter or a harsh one?" said Andrew Rigie, executive director of the New York City Hospitality Alliance, an industry group. "It's a gamble. With so much uncertainty about the weather and diner behavior, it's a risk."


While a financial imperative for restaurants, enclosing outdoor areas for winter has raised health concerns as coronavirus cases in New York have started to rise again. Protecting patrons from the elements has led some restaurants to create shelters that lack sufficient ventilation, raising the risk of transmission.


Outdoor heaters — including propane heaters that had been banned in the city but are now permitted as a way to help restaurants — could also pose fire hazards.


Still, with restaurants having few options to make money, New York and other cities are forging ahead with winter outdoor dining.Chicago held a design challenge that drew ideas like a Japanese-style heated table and a modular cabin inspired by ice-fishing huts that fits on a parking spot.


In New York, the multibillion-dollar restaurant industry, one of the city's most important economic pillars, has been decimated by the pandemic. Indoor dining has resumed, but at only 25% capacity.


Trump's Defeat Weakens Boris Johnson in Urgent Brexit Talks 川普敗選 害到英國脫歐談判
文/Mark Landler and Stephen Cas

川普敗選 害到英國脫歐談判

Few world leaders have felt the fallout of President-elect Joe Biden's victory more quickly than Prime Minister Boris Johnson.


Johnson is in the final phases of trying to negotiate a post-Brexit trade agreement with the European Union, a complex challenge that just became more urgent with the defeat of his ally and ideological mate, President Donald Trump.


A failed negotiation with Brussels could stir up tensions between Johnson and Biden even before they get to know each other, because it would almost certainly reverberate badly in Ireland. Biden, who speaks often and fondly of his Irish roots, has already warned Johnson not to do anything in his trade negotiations that would threaten peace in Northern Ireland.


"The election completely changed the game," said Mujtaba Rahman, an analyst at the political risk consultancy, Eurasia Group.


Unlike Trump, Biden opposed Brexit. He is not likely to make a trade deal with London as high a priority as Trump might have. And he has ruled out such a deal altogether if Britain does anything to water down the protections of Northern Ireland that are enshrined in the Withdrawal Agreement.


British newspapers have been full of stories in recent days raising alarm about the future of the "special relationship" between Britain and the United States, and musing about whether Johnson and Biden, who have yet to meet, are destined to be at odds.


After Johnson congratulated Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their election, a former White House aide to Barack Obama, Tommy Vietor, said on Twitter, "This shapeshifting creep weighs in. We will never forget your racist comments about Obama and slavish devotion to Trump."


In 2016, when Johnson was mayor of London, he noted that Obama had replaced a bust of Winston Churchill in the Oval Office with one of Martin Luther King Jr. and attributed it to "the part-Kenyan president's ancestral dislike of the British Empire." He also once likened Hillary Clinton to Lady Macbeth.


"The comments Boris Johnson has made about Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, who are regarded as family in Biden-land, have not been forgotten, and can't be brushed aside with a joke," said Peter Westmacott, a former British ambassador to Washington. "The same goes for his bromance with Donald Trump."




fallout原意是核爆炸後產生的放射性落塵,引申為不良影響或惡果。water down原意是加水稀釋,引申為削弱或限縮其效力,另一引申義為藉由在市場上釋出更多股票,降低股票的價值。

change the game是「改變遊戲規則或局面」、「掀起革命」,甚至「翻盤」。at odds指不一致、矛盾,也指人們不合、不對盤。

馬克白夫人(Lady Macbeth) 是莎士比亞四大悲劇之一「馬克白」裡的角色,她成功慫恿丈夫馬克白暗殺蘇格蘭國王鄧肯(King Duncan) 並自立為王,已成為「殘酷而工於心計,尤其是掌控意志薄弱男性的女人」的典型代表。強生除發表對歐巴馬不敬的種族歧視(racist)言語,更將希拉蕊比作馬克白夫人,既刻薄且惡毒,民主黨人不可能輕輕放下,不算這筆帳(brush it aside)。

全台唯一「3D迪士尼童話光雕秀」 新北耶誕城必去裝置藝術
「新北歡樂耶誕城」今年聯名華特迪士尼,規劃全台唯一「Disney Fairy Tales迪士尼經典童話」主燈秀,滿滿迪士尼角色外,還採用360度全景的聲光與投影,保證讓遊客體驗一段超夢幻的迪士尼旅程!

日本漫畫《家栽之人》也提及的植物 怕癢的紫薇
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