當有人問"What’s the big idea?",他其實是在罵你!
有一回John和國外老闆提了一個海外行銷的點子。老闆回答他:"What’s the big idea?"
他聽見"big idea",還以為老闆讚美他的想法,是大有可為的計畫。和他想的剛好相反,因為老闆接下來就說了:
I couldn’t approve your plan. 我可不同意你的計劃。
當我們說某人有"big idea"其實是正面的意思,指「有遠大的理想、有抱負」,例如:She's got big ideas about starting up her own company. (她有很遠大的理想,想要自己創業。)但如果用在疑問句"What’s the big idea?",就有諷刺的意味。對這句話的解釋,劍橋字典說是:"used to ask someone why they have done something annoying"(用於問人為什麼做了一件那麼討厭的事)
What’s the big idea?
What's the big idea of shouting at me?(你幹嘛對我大吼?)
What's the big idea? I was watching that program!(幹嘛,你沒看到我在看節目嗎?)
talk big
He talks big, but can’ t produce anything.(他光說大話,可是什麼東西也做不出來。)
play in the big leagues
You’d better shape up if you want to play in the big leagues.(如果你想承擔這一重任,最好還是表現得好一點。)
大聯盟在英文裡是Major League Baseball,不是big league;相對地,小聯盟就是Minor League Baseball。
in a big way
This hotel chain is expanding in a big way.(這連鎖飯店擴張得極為迅速。)
big name
Are there any big names in the movie?(這部電影裡有大明星嗎?)
She's a big name in politics.(她是一位政界要人。)