Toilet water 不是廁所水,那是什麼?
網上流傳一則笑話,秘書在上廁所時,美國老闆打電話來:“Where are you?”秘書慌忙之中回答:“I'm in the toilet!”老闆驚呼:“What are you doing in the toilet?!”(你在馬桶裡幹什麼?!)
I'll just go to the loo. (我正要上廁所。)
菲律賓廁所的說法是“comfort room”舒適的房間,簡稱 CR。美國最常見的廁所叫法是 “restroom”,或直接說“men’s room”、“ladies' room”,就像我們中文會用「洗手間」代替廁所一樣。而toilet在美式英文裡是指「馬桶」,抽水馬桶的全名是flush toilet。所以“I'm in the toilet”,聽起來就好像是「我在馬桶裡」。
"In the toilet”字面意思是掉到馬桶,進而可以引申為「處在很糟糕、窘迫的局面」(In a miserable, pitiful, or very unfortunate condition)。例句:
- I just can't find work with the economy in the toilet like this.
Go down the toilet =搞砸了
只要和馬桶相關,想必都不會太好,相近的片語是go down the toilet,就像把東西沖進馬桶一樣,意思是「搞砸了、泡湯了」:
- After the drug scandal, his career went down the toilet.
- They didn't want to see their investment go down the toilet.
Toilet water =廁所水?
在商場裡聽到有人要買toilet water,千萬不要太驚訝,以為他要買廁所水。Toilet water從法文“Eau de toilette”衍生而來,像花露水這種不貴的香水。根據Collins字典的解釋:Toilet water is fairly weak and inexpensive perfume. ("Toilet water"是很淡且不貴的香水。)