簡介:◎ 育兒假相關詞彙 ◎ despite 和 in spite of 怎麼用? ◎ 各國育嬰假比一比 Latte Papa: A Parental Revolution Giving rise to the phenomena of the "latte papa," parental leave was established in 1974, replacing maternity leave in order to further gender equality in Swedish society. Now, parents are allotted 480 days' paid leave per child with each parent receiving 90 nontransferable days. As a result of this policy, 85 percent of men are taking parental leave, more and more women are participating in the workforce, and according to reports, both child mortality and divorce rates have been falling. 拿鐵爸爸──翻轉傳統育兒角色 帶起「拿鐵爸爸」現象的育嬰假是瑞典在 1974 年設立的,它取代了產假,旨在促進社會的性別平等。現在,父母每生一個小孩就有 480 天的給薪假,而父母各自有 90 天的不可轉讓天數。因為此政策,八成五的男性會休育嬰假,而越來越多女性投入職場,且根據報告指出,兒童死亡率和離婚率都在下降中。 |