2018年9月10日 星期一

A Second Life for Chewing Gum  再給你一次機會!口香糖洗心革面大作戰

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2018/09/11 第367期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Second Life for Chewing Gum 再給你一次機會!口香糖洗心革面大作戰
Used gum that is left on the sidewalk is sticky and ugly, but it could be very useful.



   We spend billions of dollars a year worldwide on cleaning up used chewing gum off of our city streets. In fact, gum is the second most common form of litter after cigarettes. It’s a big problem that needs a creative solution. Luckily, a British designer named Anna Bullus thought of an idea to recycle the leftover gum into a wide range of useful items.
  The main ingredient in chewing gum is man-made rubber, which is a kind of
plastic. That means that chewed gum can be recycled and turned into a number of plastic products. Bullus calls her company Gumdrop, and her first product was a trash can for gum. Gumdrop bins are bright pink plastic containers that Bullus and her team place around cities to collect used gum, which is then turned into more Gumdrop products.
  Her company only needed so many trash cans, so Bullus soon
branched out into other plastic products, including travel mugs, rain boots, mobile phone covers, and more. Bullus and Gumdrop have proven that there are solutions out there for all kinds of sticky problems.



































   口香糖的主要原料是合成橡膠,是塑膠的一種。這表示嚼過的口香糖可以被回收製成許多塑膠製品。布勒斯將她的公司取名為 Gumdrop,她的第一個產品即是口香糖回收桶。Gumdrop 垃圾桶是亮粉紅色的容器,布勒斯與她的團隊將它們放置於各個城市裡蒐集嚼過的口香糖,而這些口香糖接下來又被變成更多的 Gumdrop 產品。
   因為布勒斯的公司需要的垃圾桶數量有限,所以她很快地將產品領域擴大到其他的塑膠製品,包括隨身杯、雨靴、智慧型手機殼等。布勒斯及 Gumdrop 公司證明了再棘手的問題都是有辦法解決的。


▼ leftover a. 剩餘的;未吃完的
bin n. 垃圾桶/箱(英式用法)
container n. 容器


1. worldwide adv. 在全世界;遍及全世界地
Ocean temperatures worldwide are rising due to the greenhouse effect.

2. litter n.(在公共場所亂扔的)垃圾,廢棄物(不可數)& vi. & vt.(在公共場所)亂丟垃圾
After summer vacation was over, that beautiful beach was full of litter.

3. cigarette n. 香菸
You can’t get on the train with that cigarette in your mouth.

4. creative a. 有創意的;具創造性的
Zack’s so-called creative idea was in fact nothing new.

5. solution n. 解決(方法);(練習或比賽的)解答
The solutions to the problems are at the back of the book.

6. recycle vt. 回收(再利用)
Waste paper can be recycled into toilet tissue.

7. plastic n. 塑膠,塑料 & a. 塑膠製的
To cut down on the amount of garbage, most stores stopped providing free plastic bags.

8. branch out into N/V-ing  將(事業、興趣等的)範圍擴大至某領域
Elise pushed ahead with her directing career and also branched out into producing films.


黏答答又棘手的 sticky
形容詞 sticky 在本文中有兩個意思,除了可以當「黏的,有黏性的」之外,還可以表示「(問題、處境等)棘手,難辦的」。例:

For many years, we have been using sticky flypaper to catch flies.

It was a sticky situation when Scott’s two girlfriends met each other at his party.









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