The well-wishers had all gathered even though neither the teenage bride-to-be nor her mother wanted the girl to go through with the wedding. It took a police raid to stop it, and even then it was nearly too late.
It is hard to state the age of Deepa Kumari, the betrothed girl, with any certainty. A government identification card lists it at 15. Her father, accused of selling Deepa for about $300 to the groom, a 31-year-old laborer, insists that she is 17. A local constable put the number at 13.
In any case, by dusk on that February evening, a group of plainclothes police officers stormed the village of Madhura in Bihar state. They chased men into fields and detained the bride and groom, already covered in turmeric powder to prepare for the ceremony, for further questioning.
Speaking to reporters at the police station later, Deepa Kumari, with downcast eyes, made her position clear: "I will not marry, sir," she said. "I want to study."
India's child marriage rate is one of the highest in the world, with a long list of social and economic pressures, from poverty to a dearth of education opportunities, propping up the number.
But as awareness has spread about the detriments associated with underage marriages, and as the authorities have responded more diligently, the prevalence has dropped. In some areas, it has done so sharply.
Data released by UNICEF this month found that a girl's risk of marrying before her 18th birthday in South Asia fell by more than a third in the last decade, from nearly 50 percent to about 30 percent, in large part because of progress in India.
Child marriage here is finely threaded with other practices, including the exchange of a dowry from the bride's family to the groom, and sometimes with sex trafficking, making it difficult to tackle any one issue without addressing others. Social workers said there are no easy solutions.
"You cannot wave a magic stick," said Anand Madhab, principle consultant at the Gender Resource Center, an organization that supports women's empowerment. "It's a deep-seated problem."
Bihar, a poor, agrarian state in northern India, has one of the highest rates of underage marriages in the country, according to India's National Family Health Survey. In 2005, 69 percent of surveyed women said they married when they were underage. Ten years later, the number fell to 42.5 percent.
童婚是指雙方或其中一方為未成年兒童的婚姻關係,造成此類未成年婚姻(underage marriage)的原因包括貧窮、性別不平等(gender inequality)與傳統文化習俗等,而此一現象在開發中國家相當普遍,常見於南亞、中東與非洲內陸國家。
在印度,童婚是性侵以外另一個恐怖的社會現象,孩童用身體換聘金,這種金錢交易也助長了性販運(sex trafficking),而 trafficking為一名詞,指的是非法的買賣或交易,動詞形式則為traffic,而應用此單字的還有human trafficking(人口販運)、child trafficking(兒童販運)、baby trafficking(販嬰)和drug trafficking(販毒)等等。
至於片語prop up意指「支撐、支持」,相同意思的片語還有shore up跟stand up for等等,而俚語wave a magic wand(or stick) 指的是施展魔法,在文中則意譯為「擁有法寶」。