Katherine and Ann are at an annual staff outing. Katharine: It's funny, I'm never excited about these corporate outings, but I always have fun when I get here. Ann: Ha, I feel the same way. I think it's because management gets so enthusiastic about it. It's hard not to get swept up in their excitement. Katharine: Absolutely. Now, are the afternoon teambuilding exercises mandatory? Ann: I think so, but you can choose which ones you want to participate in. Katharine: That's good. And then the CEO will give us his annual pep talk before dinner? Ann: Yes. I'm interested in how he's going to spin the recent layoffs into something to be cheerful about! Katherine 跟Ann 正在參加一年一度員工旅遊。 Katharine: 說來有趣,我從未期待過公司旅遊,但每次參又會玩得很開心。 Ann: 哈,我也這麼覺得。我想這是因為高層熱衷於此,很難不被他們的興奮之情 所影響。 Katharine: 正是。下午的團隊建立活動是強制參加嗎? Ann: 我想是的。不過你可以選擇自己想參加的。 Katharine: 太好了。然後執行長會在晚餐前向大家發表年度激勵演說嗎? Ann: 是的。我很好奇他要如何將最近的裁員風波說得令 人開心。 |