下火車、公車用get off、下計程車卻是get out of....最容易出錯的動詞Get用法一次看
看到Robert趕進辦公室,Diana調侃:「又遲到啦?」Robert不好意思的回答:「You got me!」Diana不放過他,追問:「這個月遲到幾次了啊?」只見Robert抓了抓頭,回說:「You got me there!」
Get是一個很好用的字,美國人在日常生活中,經常會以get搭配其他單字,形成相當口語的說法。譬如前面的「You got me!」和「You got me there!」,看起來差不多,語意卻要看上下文才能斷定。
第一句「You got me!」是「被你發現了」,第二句「You got me there!」就像英文裡的"I don’t know、I have no idea、It beats me"意思是「我不知道、考倒我了」。
(X)We should get out of the train in five minutes.
(O)We should get off the train in five minutes.
「下火車、公車、飛機、大船」應該用get off,「下汽車、計程車、小船」才是get out of。
(X) Please get the station to pick them up as soon as you can.
(O) Please get to the station to pick them up as soon as you can.
Get to是抵達,我們經常用get there/get here,前面沒加to,是因為there/here是副詞,如果到達之處是明確的,也就名詞,不要忘記to。
(X) All the materials are prepared. Let’s get starting!
(O) All the materials are prepared. Let’s get started!
Get後面常用ing型態的分詞,像get going/get voting,為什麼後面加start時要用started呢?如果get後面的動詞是持續進行的動作,就可以用ing,例如:get moving/chatting;如果是一種瞬間動作或狀態,就用過去分詞,像get dressed/drunk。
(X) Mary got married a man she met in Germany.
(O) Mary married a man she met in Germany.
get married指的是完成結婚這個儀式,如果後面還要說和誰結婚,要加上一個to,got married to a man。
Get married to和marry在意思上有一點差別,前者更強調展開一段婚姻關係(to begin a legal relationship with someone as their husband or wife),所以經常有時間/儀式指涉:
例如:When are you getting married? (你何時結婚?)