地球正在持續升溫中 Our Planet Is Heating Up |
Global warming is one of the biggest problems of our time. The phrase refers to the slow, year-byyear increase in temperatures around the world. Most scientists believe that rising temperatures are being caused by too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is released when we burn fossil fuels. However, there are still a few scientists who believe that global warming is a natural trend. This group has made it difficult to reach an agreement and turn back the clock on rising temperatures. While people might not agree on the causes, they do agree on the effects of global warming. Rising temperatures result in less food being grown, higher sea levels, and dangerous weather. Some say that global warming is already causing wars over smaller water and food supplies. The good news is, we can all do our part.How much fossil fuel do you burn in your daily life? Try to come up with ways to make your footprint smaller and help fix our planet. 全球暖化是我們這個世代所面臨的重大問題之一。「全球暖化」一詞意指世界各地的氣溫每年緩慢攀升的現象。多數科學家認為,氣溫升高需歸咎於大氣層含有過多的二氧化碳。燃燒石油的時候,就會釋放二氧化碳。然而,仍有某些科學家認為全球暖化是一種自然形成的趨勢,造成難以取得共識,溫度升高的情況也無法回復。 大家也許無法在成因方面產生共識,卻一致認同全球暖化的影響力。與日俱增的氣溫導致可種植的食物減少、海平面上升以及危險的氣候條件。有人說,全球暖化造成的水源與糧食短缺問題已引發戰爭。 好消息是,我們仍能盡一己之力。你的日常生活會燃燒掉多少石油呢?動動腦想法子,減少自己的碳足跡來協助拯救地球。 |
──選自《In Focus 英語閱讀:活用五大關鍵技巧【4】 (16K彩圖+1MP3)》 |