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2021/03/05 第555期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 線上預訂租車
【英語學習Plus】 洞穴探險
【本月發燒書】 Let's See Grammar:彩圖初級英文文法【Basic 1】(三版)(菊8K+解答別冊)
【好康情報局】 ★好書推薦★心智圖神奇出記憶文法,輕鬆破解文法盲點

現在許多服務都可以轉成網路雲端作業,方便的租車服務也不例外! 來看看線上租車可能會用到的英文:


Is it possible to book a car online next time, to save time?

Just choose your model and the date and location of your pick-up. We'll have the car ready for you when you arrive.


1 Pick-up Location 取車地點
2 Drop car off at a different location 甲地租乙地還
3 Pick-up Date 取車日期
4 Drop-off Date 還車日期
5 Purpose of rental (optional) Business ? Leisure
6 No credit card fees 無信用卡衍生費用
7 No amendment fees 無改單費用
8 24/7 phone support 24小時電話支援

────── 節錄寂天講堂「線上預訂租車」

洞穴探險 Spelunking

Spelunking, or caving, is an exciting and dangerous recreational sport that involves exploring caves around the world. If this sounds like a fun adventure, keep in mind that spelunkers crawl through mud and dirt, climb steep rock faces, squeeze through narrow openings between rocks, and even swim through tunnels of pitchblack water. That doesn't sound like a casual sport! In fact, most outsiders regard spelunking as an extreme sport that can be quite risky at times.

The British Crown Jewels have been stored in the Tower of London since 1303. The collection includes crowns, scepters, orbs, swords, and other priceless artifacts. The British Crown Jewels are considered to be the most valuable collection of jewels in the world. They are also among the world's largest collections of jewels. The oldest piece in the collection is a golden spoon that dates back to the 13th century.

Many people find the crown to be the most fascinating piece of the British Crown Jewels collection. The Imperial State Crown was made in 1838. Many of its gems are of ancient origin. It has around 2,800 diamonds (including the 317-carat Cullinan II diamond), more than 270 pearls, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds, and 5 rubies.It has been used in the coronation of every British monarch since Queen Victoria, who herself was crowned with the lighter State Crown.

The Scepter with the Cross, made in 1661, is another important artifact in the collection. Its central feature is the Cullinan diamond, also known as the Great Star of Africa, which is the largest gem-quality diamond in the world. The Scepter with the Dove, also made in 1661, symbolizes the Holy Ghost. During the coronation, the monarch holds the Scepter with the Cross in his or her right hand and the Scepter with the Dove in the left.

The Sovereign's Orb, also made in 1661, is a religious symbol that indicates the monarch's status as supreme governor of the Church of England.

The crown jewels were stolen by Thomas Blood in 1671, but he was caught, and they were returned unharmed. Since then, there have been many other attempts to steal them, but none have been successful.





探洞在20 世紀初開始成為一項休閒運動。spelunking 這個用語是克雷.裴瑞在1940 年代所創,之後就在世界各地逐漸盛行。許多國家都有管理和監督洞穴探勘活動的探洞組織,成立最久的當屬1895 年的法國國家洞穴協會。

Let's See Grammar:彩圖初級英文文法【Basic 1】(三版)(菊8K+解答別冊)

關鍵英單7000字(2)2201~4500【四版】(16K + 715分鐘寂天雲隨身聽APP)

老人與海 The Old Man and the Sea【Grade 5經典文學刪節讀本】二版(25K+MP3)


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