網路常見縮寫與討論電郵 ★網路常見縮寫 NAZ = Name, address, ZIP 姓名、地址、郵遞區號 POV = Point of view 觀點 (第幾人稱的觀點) FYI = For your information 提供給你的資訊 SIM = Subject is message 主旨即是訊息內容 TBA = To be announced 會再公布 N/A = Not available/applicable (表格)不適用 AKA = Also known as 也稱為... BTW = By the way 順帶一提 ★談論寄送電子郵件 Shoot me a message as soon as you read my comments, will you? 看過我的評論後,請立即寄訊息給我好嗎? Would you forward that email to Stan, please? He'll want to be kept in the loop. 可以麻煩你將信轉寄給Stan嗎?他會想知道情況的。 I'll Bcc you on the incident report I am sending to Human Resources. 我會將我寄給人資部的事件報告用密件副本寄給你。 Please Cc Sylvia when you send the new schedule around. 發新的進度表時,也請副本給Sylvia。 ★談論附加檔案 Can you send that as an email and attachment, not a fax? 你可以在電子郵件夾帶附件給我,而不要用傳真嗎? For some reason, I can't get this document to attach to the email I've written. Would you look at it for me? 不知道為什麼,我無法將此文件加到我寫的郵件附件中,能請你替我看看嗎? Claire sent the schedule as an attachment, but it's a type of file my machine doesn't recognize and I can't download it. Claire以附件寄出時間表,但我的電腦無法讀取此種檔案類型,也無法下載。 The attachment he sent was too big—my whole computer froze when I tried to open it. 他寄的附件檔案太大了,當我要打開檔案時,整台電腦就當機了。 |