It's okay not to be perfect. It sounds strange, right? That's because we're used to trying to be perfect. Our parents want us to get full marks. We want the very best in life. And our minds never stop looking for new ways to improve. But here's the catch. Although it's good to have goals, you're more likely to achieve them by just being yourself. Trying to be perfect only makes things more difficult. It adds stress and slows you down by making you overthink everything. It's better to just calmly and coolly get the job done. Even if you make a mistake, you can learn from it next time. Remember that perfection doesn't even actually exist. It's just an idea that we have fallen in love with. Even if you did achieve "perfection," you wouldn't know it. You'd be too busy worrying about how to improve on it. 不用事事追求完美並無妨。 聽起來很怪,不是嗎?這是因為我們已慣於追求完美:父母要求我們考試滿分;我們希望晉升人生勝利組;我們的腦子永遠轉個不停,精益求精讓自己更上一層樓。 不過,注意囉。有目標固然是好事,但「做自己」有可能讓你更容易達成目標。完美主義只會增加困難度,也就是讓你過度思考每件事,徒增壓力和拖垮你的腳步。最好是冷靜地從容不迫完成每件事,即使出了差池,你也能學到經驗而不再犯錯。 切記,完美二字的定義甚至不存在,這不過是自我陶醉的一種想法。即使你真的達到了「完美境界」,你也不會發現,因為你的心思還是會過度忙於如何改善這種完美現況。 |