2019年11月14日 星期四


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2019/11/15 第487期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 喝水的時機
【本月發燒書】 挑戰新制多益聽力滿分:模擬試題1000題【試題+解析雙書裝】
【好康情報局】 ★當經典遇見經典★Let's Enjoy Masterpieces世界文學名著改寫讀本展 |套書優惠65折,單書75折!

【口語會話 Follow me 】

It suits me fine.

A: Oh no! I just put sugar in your tea. Do you mind?
B: Don't worry about it. It suits me fine.

A: 喔不!我剛在你的茶裡加了糖,你會介意嗎?
B: 別擔心,這正合我意。

────── 節錄《輕鬆秒學英語會話小短句(25K+1MP3)》

喝水的時機 When to Reach for a Glass of Water

By now, everyone knows that drinking water is good for our health. Many of us already drink the eight glasses (2000 cc) a day we're told to. But did you know it makes a big difference when you drink them? Here are the best times to reach for a glass:

1) After you wake up: two glasses of water in the morning will help start up your internal organs and clean your blood.

2) Before a meal: have a glass 30 minutes before you eat. This has two important benefits. It will help you avoid eating too much. It will also help your body absorb the food.

3) Before a bath: a glass of water before a bath can help lower your blood pressure.

4) Before and after exercise: it's important that your body has enough water when you exercise. This will also benefit your liver.

5) Before bed: a glass of water before bed will improve your heart's health.

大家都知道喝水有益健康,很多人已經依照建議一天喝八杯水(2000 cc)。但是你知道喝水的時機很重要嗎?以下列出喝水
● 剛起床:早上喝兩杯水,能活化內臟與淨化血液。
● 飯前:飯前30分鐘喝杯水,能帶來兩大好處,一方面能避免過度飲食,另一方面則可幫助身體吸收食物的養分。
● 洗澡前:洗澡前喝杯水能降低血壓。
● 運動前後:運動時,重點在於為身體補充足夠的水分,而且能有益肝臟。
● 睡前:睡前喝杯水,能改善心臟的健康狀態。

──────選自《In Focus 英語閱讀:活用五大關鍵技巧【2】 (16K彩圖+1MP3)》

福爾摩斯 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes【Grade 5經典文學讀本】二版(25K+1MP3)

Show出職場好英文【二版】(25K +MP3)


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