2018年6月7日 星期四


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2018/06/08 第413期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 歡送派對
【本月發燒書】 START新制多益:給新手的聽力閱讀解題攻略
【好康情報局】 衝刺你的英語力!【應用英文書展,參展書79折】
口語會話 Follow me

Your guess is as good as mine.

A: I wonder when the cleaner is coming?
B: She said in the morning, but it's already noon. So your guess is as good as mine.

A: 清潔工哪時來啊?
B: 我也不知道,她說早上,可是現在都中午了。

<< 節錄《OMG! 超好用生活英語萬用句》 >>

歡送派對 A Farewell Party

Alan: Kathy, this is a great party! Thank you so much for organizing it. It means a lot to me.

Kathy: Don't mention it. It has always been a pleasure to work with you. We'll certainly miss you.

Alan: I'm going to miss all of you, too. To tell you the truth, I feel a little intimidated. China is such a big country. I don't know if I can handle it.

Kathy: Don't worry. I have faith in you. You will do well. I've been on business trips to Shanghai a few times. The city is quite westernized, the food is excellent, and the women are very beautiful! You won't have a problem adjusting to the new environment.

Alan: Well, I'm glad that my wife didn't hear what you just said. She is looking forward to having some nice food, though. What's Shanghai cuisine like?

Kathy: It's a little greasy to me, but very tasty. They eat a lot of seafood.

Alan: It sounds interesting. I wish I didn't have to report to the Shanghai office that soon. I'd like to take my family on a trip across China.

Kathy: You will have plenty of time later on. I suggest that you settle down first. Moving the whole family to a new country is very tiring.

Alan: You're right. The first thing I have to do is to look for a good school for my son.

Kathy: A friend of mine is the vice principal of a well-known international school in Shanghai. Don't forget to get her number before you leave.

Alan: Thanks a lot.












<< 選自食尚英語:聚會節慶餐飲英語(20K彩色+1MP3) >>



超級英語閱讀訓練1:FUN學美國英語課本精選【二版】(16K +1MP3)

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