Run! Don't Walk! To the Blob! 飛天跳水無極限 ── 水上彈跳包 Fun in the Sun with Blobbing. 在豔陽下水上彈跳玩樂趣。
If you want a new, fun way to cool off this coming summer, blobbing might just be for you. This crazy new water activity involves two people: a jumper, a blobber, and of course — the blob. The blob is a giant plastic airbag that floats on the water. First, the blobber sits on the blob and waits for the jumper to leap off a high platform. Then, when the jumper lands on the blob, the blobber is thrown high into the air. Once in the air, blobbers can do tricks before they fall into the water. The first blobs were just thick plastic gas tanks that military ships could float beside their boats. Sailors realized jumping onto them was a fun way to beat the summer heat and to pass the time. Thus, blobbing was born. Later, blobbing made its way to summer camps in the US. In these camps, kids and adults alike discovered just how fun blobbing could be. Since then, blobbing has spread worldwide, and this year, it has arrived in Taiwan for the first time. The company X-Blob offered blobbing experiences in Kaohsiung and Hualien in the summer of 2016. For a great way to beat the heat in summer, give blobbing a try.
cool off 涼快一下 It's hot in here. Let's go outside to cool off. 這裡很熱。咱們去外面涼快一下吧。
involve vt. 需要 Amy's new job involves a lot of paperwork. 愛咪的新工作需要處理大量的文書。
giant a. 巨大的 The top of the Taj Mahal is shaped like a giant onion. 泰姬瑪哈陵屋頂的形狀像個大洋蔥。
leap vi. 跳躍 Can you leap across this creek? 你能跳過這條小溪嗎? * creek n. 小溪
military a. 軍用的;軍事的 My father believes that military training is a must for a mature young man. 我父親相信對一個成熟的男性青年來說,軍事訓練是絕對需要的。
make sth's/sb's way to... 發展/前進至……;在某地流行 Fashion trends generally make their way to Japan before they hit Taiwan. 時尚潮流席捲台灣前,一般會先在日本流行。
spread vi. 散播(三態同形) The good news quickly spread worldwide. 這則好消息迅速傳遍世界各地。
give...a try 試一下…… Lucy decided to give knitting a try. 露西決定要試試打毛線。
『消磨時間』怎麼說 本文 "Sailors realized jumping onto them was a fun way to beat the summer heat and to pass the time." 中的片語 pass the time 表『消磨/打發時間』,也等於 kill time。例:
My friends and I always sing songs to pass the time on road trips. (我和我朋友在公路旅行時總是靠唱歌來消磨時間。)
We wandered around the shopping center to kill time. (我們在購物中心四處閒逛消磨時間。)