2016年12月8日 星期四


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2016/12/09 第335期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 聖誕節宴會
【本月發燒書】 FUN學英語故事閱讀訓練 2
【好康情報局】 2016冬季曬書節│網路限定優惠,全面65折!
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Whatever turns you on.

A:Do you mind if I put some more sugar in this lemonade?
B:Go ahead. Whatever turns you on.

B:加吧, 你喜歡就好。

<< 節錄《OMG! 超好用生活英語萬用句》 >>

聖誕節宴會 Christmas Feast

Would you like to start with some "eggnog"?

Weber is a Taiwanese who is studying in the United States. His girlfriend's parents invited him over for Christmas dinner. This is the first time Weber ever celebrated Christmas. Listen to the conversation between Weber and Mrs. Laurence, his girlfriend's mother.

Weber: Mrs. Laurence, thank you for inviting me. I've always wanted to see what traditional Christmas dinner is like.
Laurence: You're welcome, Weber. Do you celebrate Christmas in Taiwan?
Weber: Not really. People do go to parties or restaurants at Christmas, but it's not a family holiday. I think the importance of Chinese New Year in Taiwan is equal to the importance of Christmas in the West.
Laurence: I see. Would you like to start with some "eggnog"?
Weber: No, thank you. I already had scrambled eggs this morning.
Laurence: Actually, Eggnog is a special Christmas drink. It's a mixture of egg yolks, milk, sugar, and rum.
Weber: Oh, OK. I'll have some of it, then. By the way, Mrs. Laurence, your Christmas tree is beautiful!
Laurence: It's really special, isn't it? We made all the ornaments by hand.
Weber: Really? It must have taken a long time to make them. I brought each of you Christmas present. Should I put them under the tree, too?
Laurence: Sure. That's nice of you. Dinner is almost ready. Why don't we move to the dining room?
Weber: OK!



<< 本篇選自食尚英語:聚會節慶餐飲英語 >>
FUN學英語故事閱讀訓練 2
觀光英語Let's Go!【三版】 FUN學格林童話:英語閱讀聽力訓練 食尚英語:彩圖趣學餐飲英語
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