譯/王麗娟 There is a stark reality increasingly facing American orchestras: They are now charities, relying more, on average, on philanthropy than on the ticket sales that used to buttress them.
While orchestras have always required subsidies — whether from monarchs, the church, governments or patrons — the balance has shifted to the point where they generally get more revenue from donations than from selling tickets, according to a report released Tuesday by the League of American Orchestras, an industry association. The report also found that orchestras had reached a tipping point in how they sell tickets: In 2013, for the first time, ensembles no longer earned a majority of their ticket revenue from the subscription packages they have depended on for decades.
These changes have forced orchestras to change everything from how they organize their staffs to how they define their missions. The new report and interviews with players, administrators and union officials paint a picture of a field in transition, with some ensembles struggling, some doing well, and nearly all trying to adapt as classical music's footprint in the broader culture shrinks. This season has already had a long strike by the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra in Texas; a 48-hour strike by the storied Philadelphia Orchestra; and a bitter, continuing strike by the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, a top-notch ensemble that raised this city's profile even during the most painful days of its deindustrialization.
Orchestras (and their growing marketing departments), for example, must now spend more to sell single and group tickets — at a time when it is harder to fill seats. (Attendance declined by 10.5 percent between 2010 and 2014, the study found.) And as ensembles and their development departments work to appeal to philanthropists, many are now going beyond merely making music, offering more educational programs and community engagement initiatives. Finally, there is increasing pressure from many boards and administrators to try to curb growing costs, which can lead to labor disputes like the strike in Pittsburgh.
The question of how effectively orchestras can attract philanthropic support is increasingly the key to their survival. The report found that in 2014, an average of 43 cents of every dollar orchestras received came from contributions, while 40 cents came from ticket sales, touring, hall rentals, parking and other sources of earned income; and the remainder from investments.
美國管弦樂團(orchestra)面臨惡劣的處境(stark reality)。現代管弦樂團編制從50到100人,40人以下的一般稱作室內樂團(chamber orchestra),通常沒有指揮(conductor),營運成本都很高。源自日文的卡拉OK中的OK是英文管弦樂團的諧音。舞台、劇場正前排的貴賓席,美語稱為the orchestra,英語是the stalls,用複數。
Stark有好幾個意思,像是完全的(stark naked, stark mad)、荒涼的、以及本文所指「嚴峻艱難的」。菲律賓總統杜特蒂嚴厲警告指控他剷除毒梟違反法律程序的人:Duterte gave a stark warning to those who accuse him of extrajudicial killings.
Ensemble指一組人,可能是舞者、樂手、演員,或整套家具、服裝,為可數名詞,通常用單數,也指整體效果。堪稱是珍奧斯汀最不浪漫且最務實的小說《曼斯菲爾德莊園》(Mansfield Park)中,亨利突然發現主角Fanny Price整個人都不一樣了:And then, her air, her manner, her tout ensemble, is so indescribably improved!