2016年12月30日 星期五

交通方便說The traffic is convenient是錯的!應該說......

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2016/12/23 第212期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
 2016-12-23 VOL:545
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這句英文怎麼說 ?



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交通方便說"The traffic is convenient"是錯的!應該說...... 


"I am sorry.The traffic was very crowded."(X)


a crowded train(擁擠的車廂)

a crowded city(熱鬧的城市)

The meeting room is crowded with people.(會議室裡擠滿了人)

原來不能用crowded形容traffic,Sam趕快改口用:"The traffic is jam."原來這麼講也不對。


A crowd jammed into the bus.(一群人湧上公車)

We got into a traffic jam.(我們遇上了交通堵塞)(注意,遇上用got into,不是met)

我們可以說"The traffic is jammed."意思又稍有不同,jammed是卡住了,"The traffic is jammed."指的是交通卡住了,動不了。

Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour.(尖峰時間交通十分繁忙。)


This is the most heavily trafficked road in Taiwan.(這是台灣交通最繁忙的一條路。)


The roads are busy (with traffic)(路上人來人往。)

There is too much traffic on the street(這條街上車太多了。)

When traffic is light, I can reach my apartment from the office in seven minutes.(交通順暢時,我辦公室到住家只要7分鐘。)

There's little traffic at this hour.(這時候幾乎沒什麼車輛往來。)


(X)The traffic is convenient.


(O)The area has a good public transport network.(此區有很好的大眾運輸系統。)

(O)There is good public transport.(交通便利。)


It has a very convenient bus service.(這裡搭公車很方便。)


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  1. That famous model fell from her horse. 那位名模從馬上摔下來。
  2. The winter vacation begins from January. 寒假從一月開始。
  3. Everybody knows that the sun rises from the east. 人人都知道太陽是從東方升起。
  4. Please close the window, so that the rain won’t come from it. 請關窗,雨才不會從那飄進來。
  5. With the jewels, the robbers ran away to the opposite direction. 強盜帶著珠寶從相反的方向逃跑了。

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2016年12月29日 星期四

Warming Alters Arctic Food Chain From the Bottom Up暖化改變北極食物鏈 結果未知

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2016/12/30 第155期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Warming Alters Arctic Food Chain From the Bottom Up暖化改變北極食物鏈 結果未知
Confronting Surge in Homelessness, New York City Expands Use of Hotels遊民數量空前 紐約用飯店收容應急
Warming Alters Arctic Food Chain From the Bottom Up暖化改變北極食物鏈 結果未知
文/Carl Zimmer

The Arctic Ocean may seem remote and forbidding, but to birds, whales and other animals, it's a top-notch dining destination.

"It's a great place to get food in the summertime, so animals are flying or swimming thousands of miles to get there," said Kevin R. Arrigo, a biological oceanographer at Stanford University.



But the menu is changing. Confirming earlier research, scientists reported Wednesday that global warming is altering the ecology of the Arctic Ocean on a huge scale.

The annual production of algae, the base of the food web, increased an estimated 47 percent between 1997 and 2015, and the ocean is greening up much earlier each year.



These changes are likely to have a profound impact for animals further up the food chain, such as birds, seals, polar bears and whales. But scientists still don't know enough about the biology of the Arctic Ocean to predict what the ecosystem will look like in decades to come.

While global warming has affected the whole planet in recent decades, nowhere has been hit harder than the Arctic. Last month, temperatures in the high Arctic were as much as 36 degrees above average, according to records kept by the Danish Meteorological Institute.



In October, the extent of sea ice was 28.5 percent below average — the lowest for the month since scientists began keeping records in 1979. The area of missing ice is the size of Alaska and Texas put together.

Since the mid-2000s, researchers like Arrigo have been trying to assess the effects of retreating ice on the Arctic ecosystem.



The sun returns to the Arctic each spring and melts some of the ice that formed in winter. Algae in the open water quickly spring to life and start growing.

These algae are the base of the food chain in the Arctic Ocean, grazed by krill and other invertebrates that in turn support bigger fish, mammals and birds.



Arrigo and his colleagues visited the Arctic in research ships to examine algae in the water and to determine how it affected the water's color. They then reviewed satellite images of the Arctic Ocean, relying on the color of the water to estimate how much algae was growing — what scientists call the ocean's productivity.

The sea's productivity was rapidly increasing, Arrigo found. Last year he and his colleagues published their latest update, estimating that the productivity of the Arctic rose 30 percent between 1998 and 2012.



Confronting Surge in Homelessness, New York City Expands Use of Hotels遊民數量空前 紐約用飯店收容應急
文/William Neuman

Facing a continued surge in the homeless population, New York City officials are aggressively expanding the costly and highly criticized practice of using hotels to plug gaps in the city's strained shelter system.

The increase has been stark: About 12 percent of the total homeless population is now being housed in hotel rooms, compared with just 4 percent in January.



On Jan. 1, the city was using 508 hotel rooms for homeless families with children, comprising 1,237 people, according to the Department of Homeless Services. On Nov. 30, 2,418 rooms were being rented for families with children, amounting to 5,798 people.

Now, the city plans to expand its hotel portfolio for homeless families by up to 436 rooms, with 225 of them reserved for families without minor children — the first time the city has earmarked hotel rooms for such families, officials said. The city also plans to add 100 or more hotel rooms for homeless individuals.



The expansion comes as the city has struggled to address a record homeless population — an issue that could become an obstacle in Mayor Bill de Blasio's bid for re-election next year.

"Look, I own it," de Blasio said Wednesday on WNYC radio, referring to the surge in the homeless population. "We're arresting that growth and starting to turn it, and I think we'll be able to show some real progress soon."



He listed some initiatives begun by his administration, including legal assistance to help renters fight eviction. "We're going to come up with a much more comprehensive vision on homelessness in the coming months, but I can tell you that a lot of these initiatives are taking hold."

But the increased reliance on hotels goes against de Blasio's vow to curtail the practice. In February, a homeless woman and two of her children were fatally stabbed in a Staten Island hotel where the city had placed them because it did not have room in a shelter.



"The goal is to use hotels less and less and eventually stop using hotels altogether," the mayor said on the day of the killings, acknowledging that there might be times when the city, which is required to provide shelter to the homeless, would have to resort to hotels as a stopgap. "But what I'm saying is the goal in the short term is to reduce the use of hotels intensely."

Using hotel rooms is far more costly than alternatives, and advocates for the homeless say it poorly serves the needs of families: There are typically no kitchens and little privacy.



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