2016年6月15日 星期三

The Tale of Gabe and Izzy   激勵人心的嘉碧與伊莉

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2016/06/14 第252期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Tale of Gabe and Izzy   激勵人心的嘉碧與伊莉

  Bullying is a huge problem in schools all over the world, and widespread social media use makes bullying all the easier. Luckily, there are a brave few who are fighting to end bullying inside and outside the classroom. One such woman, Gabrielle Ford, is doing so with the help of her favorite four-legged friend.
  As a child, Gabrielle, or Gabe as she is known to her friends, loved to dance. She dreamed of one day taking the stage as a star ballerina. Tragedy struck when a rare genetic disease put her in a wheelchair for life. To make matters worse, Gabe's classmates teased her over her disability. Not long afterwards, she became seriously depressed and alone.
  That all changed when Gabe met Izzy, a playful Coonhound pup. When Izzy developed a condition similar to Gabe's, she was forced to face her own fears and go out to get Izzy the best treatment. By re-entering the world, she was inspired to speak out against bullying.
  Today, thanks to Izzy, Gabe travels to schools to inspire people with her story. Izzy goes, too, of course. Together, they are putting a stop to bullying, one school at a time.



  1. take the stage  上台,登台
    When will the guest speaker take the stage at the conference?
  2. rare a. 罕見的,不常發生的
    It is rare to see typhoons in Taiwan in January.
  3. disease n. 疾病
    The disease was spreading more rapidly than expected.
  4. tease vt. 取笑;戲弄
    People often tease Craig about his red hair.
  5. seriously adv. 非常地,嚴重地
    Carl learned that his classmate Kelly was seriously injured in an accident.
  6. depressed a. 沮喪的,憂愁的
    Wendy was very depressed when her dog passed away.
  7. speak out against...  大聲反對/公開抗議……
    Students around the world are now speaking out against school bullying.
  8. put a stop to...  阻止……
    The government is trying to put a stop to piracy once and for all.
    * piracy n. 盜版行為
  1. bullying n. 霸凌,恃強欺弱(行為)
  2. widespread a. 普遍的
  3. ballerina n. 芭蕾舞女演員
  4. genetic a. 遺傳(學)的;基因的
  5. disability n. 傷殘,殘障

本文 "To make matters worse, Gabe's classmates teased her over her disability." 中的片語 (to) make matters worse 表『讓壞情況變得更糟,火上加油』,置於句首時則可表『更糟的是……』。例:
Jason's negative approach to the problem will only make matters worse.

本片語中的 matter 為名詞,表『事情,問題』,相關常見片語還有 as a matter of fact,表『事實上』。例:
Hank is very talented. As a matter of fact, some people consider him a genius.

傀儡劇大師 川普真能得天下?


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