2016年6月15日 星期三

A Hip-Hop Twist on American History 漢密爾頓 引爆百老匯

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2016/06/14 第267期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Hip-Hop Twist on American History 漢密爾頓 引爆百老匯
by Igor Bagrov

Hip-hop culture conquers the past.

  In the summer of 2015, Broadway was smitten with a new musical called Hamilton. Blending hip-hop and history, the show has received enthusiastic critical _(1)_ and unprecedented box office success only a few months after its first appearance on Broadway.
  The story is built on true facts from the life and political activity of one of America's _(2)_ Fathers, Alexander Hamilton, a famous fighter for America's independence, talented politician, financier, and an influential lawyer. The plot of the musical is based on his _(3)_ published in 2004 by Ron Chernow. Viewers _(4)_ to see the protagonist's younger years, his marriage, the beginning of his revolutionary activities, his rise to power in the George Washington administration, and his political struggle against his opponents. His untimely death in 1804 at the hand of Aaron Burr, an unsuccessful presidential candidate, who _(5)_ Hamilton to a duel and mortally wounded him, becomes the focal point of the show.
  The costumes and the set may help viewers to imagine the epoch when the events _(6)_, but all the dialogues are arranged as musical numbers in a modern hip-hop style, which will appeal to rap lovers. Even one of the critics said, "I am _(7)_ to tell people to mortgage their houses and lease13 their children to acquire tickets to a hit Broadway show but Hamilton might just about be worth it." While Hamilton's live stage production should be required viewing for every American citizen, listening to its exhilarating recording is a much more practical, yet just as enjoyable, stand-in.

1. A) boost  (B) acclaim  (C) dispute  (D) request
2. (A) Founder  (B) Found  (C) Founding  (D) Founded
3. (A) publicity  (B) expertise  (C) revelation  (D) biography
4. (A) get  (B) set  (C) grow  (D) come
5. (A) persuaded  (B) obliged  (C) challenged  (D) tempted
6. (A) put off   (B) took place  (C) cut out  (D) dug into
7. (A) loath  (B) sympathetic  (C) attracted  (D) admitted

  1. Blending hip-hop and history, the show has received enthusiastic critical acclaim and unprecedented box office success only a few months after its first appearance on Broadway.
    a. (A) boost n. 提振
    The struggling economy needs a boost from the government.
    (B) acclaim n. & vt. 讚揚,稱讚
    Rachel's innovative photography won her worldwide acclaim.
    The writer's work has been acclaimed as the best of its genre.
    *genre n.(音樂、文藝作品等)類型
    (C) dispute n. 爭執,糾紛
    The couple had a dispute over how to educate their child.
    (D) request n. 要求
    衍: at sb's request / at the request of sb  依某人的要求
    Our new product was made at the request of our customers.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  2. The story is built on true facts from the life and political activity of one of America's Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton...
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    Founding Father  (參加 1787 年美國制憲會議的)制憲元勛,開國元勛(大寫);創建人
    The Founding Fathers of the United States include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin.
    b. 根據上述用法,(C) 項應為正選。
  3. The plot of the musical is based on his biography published in 2004 by Ron Chernow.
    音樂劇的情節以他的傳記為基礎,該傳記由羅恩•徹諾於 2004 年所出版。
    a. (A) publicity n. 名氣;公開;宣傳
    Few attended the concert because of bad publicity.
    (B) expertise n. 專業知識
    Peter's expertise in pottery has won him great fame.
    *pottery n. 陶藝;陶器
    (C) revelation n. 揭露
    The mayor resigned soon after revelations about the embezzlement.
    *embezzlement n. 挪用公款
    (D) biography n. 傳記
    Dr. Wilson authorized Nick to write his biography.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  4. Viewers get to see the protagonist's younger years, his marriage, the beginning of his revolutionary activities, his rise to power in the George Washington administration, and his political struggle against his opponents.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    get to V  能有機會(做)……
    I never have time to go to the movie theater, but once in a while, I do get to watch TV.
    b. 根據上述用法,(A) 項應為正選。
  5. His untimely death in 1804 at the hand of Aaron Burr, an unsuccessful presidential candidate, who challenged Hamilton to a duel and mortally wounded him, becomes the focal point of the show.
    英年早逝的他於 1804 年喪生於艾倫•伯爾(一位向漢密爾頓下戰帖進行決鬥,並對他造成致命傷害的落選總統候選人)之手,成為整齣劇的焦點。
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    challenge sb to N/V  向某人挑戰(做)……
    Mike challenged me to a game of chess.
    b. 其他選項:
    (A) persuade vt. 說服
    衍: persuade sb to V  說服某人(做)??
    (B) oblige vt. 迫使;使負義務
    衍: oblige sb to V  迫使某人……
    (D) tempt vt. 引誘
    衍: tempt sb to V  誘使某人做……
    c. 根據語意及用法,(C) 項應為正選。
  6. The costumes and the set may help viewers to imagine the epoch when the events took place...
    a. (A) put off... / put... off  把……延期
    同: postpone vt.
    The meeting was put off until next week.
    (B) take place  發生;舉行
    Our charity auction will take place this Friday.
    *auction n. 拍賣(會)
    (C) cut out... / cut... out  戒除……
    Ted has made up his mind to cut out alcohol from his life.
    (D) dig into...  津津有味地吃……
    Jerry dug into his lunch as soon as he found a seat in the cafeteria.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  7. Even one of the critics said, "I am loath to tell people to mortgage their houses and lease their children to acquire tickets to a hit Broadway show...
    a. (A) loath a. 不願意的(= unwilling)
    衍: be loath to V  不願意(做)……
    My brother is loath to get out of bed on cold mornings.
    (B) sympathetic a. 同情的
    衍: be sympathetic to...  對……表示同情
    I am sympathetic to those who lost loved ones in that tragic accident.
    (C) attracted a. 被吸引的
    衍: be attracted to sb/sth  受某人/物吸引
    I was attracted to the exotic scenery on that island.
    (D) admitted a. 被獲准的
    衍: be admitted to...  獲准進入……
    Only 5% of the applicants are admitted to the university.
    只有 5% 的申請者獲准進入該所大學。
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  1. conquer vt. 征服;克服
    Roy finally conquered his drug habit with the help of his friends.
    *with the help of...  有了……的幫助
  2. enthusiastic a. 狂熱的
    衍: be enthusiastic about...  對……熱衷
    The bottom line for this job is that you must be enthusiastic about writing.
    *the bottom line  原指『帳本底線』,此處指『最後成效』或『基本要求』
  3. unprecedented a. 史無前例的
    衍: to unprecedented proportions  
    Homelessness in that city has grown to unprecedented proportions.
  4. box office n. 票房
    The film is a huge success in terms of the box office.
  5. influential a. 有影響力的
    Gail hopes to work for an influential publisher after graduating from college.
  6. plot n.(小說、電影)情節,佈局
    This movie has an all-star cast, but the plot is terrible.
  7. revolutionary a. 革命性的;創新的 & n. 革命家
  8. political struggle  政治鬥爭
    struggle n. & vi. 爭鬥;努力;掙扎
    衍: struggle to V  努力/奮力(做)……
    After a fierce struggle, Darren got his bag back from the robber.
    After being laid off, my brother struggled to stay afloat.
    *stay afloat  度過財務困境
  9. untimely a. 過早的;不合時宜的
    Lena fell apart after the untimely death of her father.
    *fall apart  崩潰;分解
  10. candidate n. 候選人;應徵者
    Before the interview, the candidate spent several minutes adjusting his tie.
  11. critic n. 評論家;愛挑剔的人
    衍: commentator n. 時事評論者
    faultfinder n. 吹毛求疵者
  12. mortgage vt. & n. 抵押
    Johnson has to mortgage his house to pay off his debts.
  13. lease vt. 租借 & n. 租約
    The business center contains 35 rooms, about two thirds of which are leased to the city government.
    Under the terms of the lease, we are not allowed to have pets in this apartment.

twist n. 改變(此處喻為『影響』)
financier n. 金融家
protagonist n. 主角
同: main / leading character
administration n.(某人執政時期的)政府
duel n. 決鬥
mortally adv. 致命地
epoch n. 時代
number n. 演奏樂曲
exhilarating a. 令人激動的
stand-in n. 代替人/物;替身

  1. be smitten with...  為……神魂顛倒
    These girls are quite smitten with the singer's charm.
  2. become / be the focal point of...  成為/是……的焦點
    focal a. 焦點的
    Reducing unemployment is the focal point of the government's plans.
  3. appeal to...  吸引……
    We're certain that this new album will appeal to all listeners, both young and old.
  4. be worth it  很值得
    同: be worthwhile
    This restaurant is quite costly, but the food is worth it.
    *costly a. 昂貴的

漢密爾頓 引爆百老匯
  2015 年夏天,一齣名為《漢密爾頓》的新音樂劇令百老匯神魂顛倒。這場表演融合了嘻哈與歷史,它在百老匯首次亮相後僅僅幾個月就已獲得熱烈好評,在票房上也取得史無前例的成功。
  這個故事是依據美國開國元勛之一亞歷山大•漢密爾頓的一生及政治活動的真實事蹟所建構而成的,他是一位著名的美國獨立鬥士、才華洋溢的政治家、金融家,還是一位舉足輕重的律師。音樂劇的情節以他的傳記為基礎,該傳記由羅恩•徹諾於 2004 年所出版。觀眾能看到主角的年輕歲月、婚姻、革命活動的源起、在喬治•華盛頓政府崛起掌權以及與其對手的政治鬥爭。英年早逝的他於 1804 年喪生於艾倫•伯爾(一位向漢密爾頓下戰帖進行決鬥,並對他造成致命傷害的落選總統候選人)之手,成為整齣劇的焦點。
答案: 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A

傀儡劇大師 川普真能得天下?


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