What’s your take on this? 不是叫你拿東西
“What’s your take on this?”
Take? 拿了什麼東西嗎?Ethan回答:
”I didn’t take anything.”
兩人講半天,似乎雞同鴨講。原來"What’s your take on this?”問的是「你的看法如何?」不是問你拿了什麼。
What’s your take?
What’s your take on the recent company restructuring? 最近公司改組這件事你怎麼看?
What do you make of this?
What do you make of Andy’s announcement? 你對Andy的公告有什麼想法?
1. Take=收入、一筆錢
The take was much larger than we expected.
The box office take was huge for the new show.
2. Take=嘗試、努力
He got the answer on the third take.
3. On the take=謀取私利;受賄
He's obviously on the take.
前面提過take當名詞可以指一筆錢,on the take就是拿走一筆錢,也就是受賄、謀取私利。是報導上常見的片語。例如:
The mayor was accused of being on the take. 市長被控受賄。
4. On the make =汲汲營營
和on the take很像的一個片語是on the make,意思是汲汲營營,非常努力地追求,可能是正面也可能是反面意思:
The new manager is very much on the make. 那新主管的野心可不小。
I don’t want to associate with people on the make. 我不想與追名逐利之輩為伍。
That young lawyer is sure on the make. 那位年輕律師肯定是很有抱負的。