2020年7月16日 星期四


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2020/07/17 第521期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 通貨膨脹相關英文
【英語學習Plus】 如何延續瀕危的語言
【本月發燒書】 戰勝新制多益高分演練:聽力閱讀模擬試題1200題+中譯解析【試題+中譯解析雙書裝】
【好康情報局】 ★閱讀點亮生活★寂天精選套書展,最低66折起,買套書再送口袋書《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》

★ inflation (通貨膨脹,物品與勞務價格普遍上漲,但後續購買力下降的比率。)
• The Central Bank is running out of options for reining in inflation.

★ headline inflation (整體通貨膨脹(率),消費者物價指數每月提供的原始通膨資料。)
• The rise in food prices has been the principal cause of headline inflation.

★ cost-push inflation (成本推動型通貨膨脹,是指在沒有超額需求的條件下,因薪資及原物料成本增加,所引起的物價上漲現象。)
• Cost-push inflation can occur because workers demand higher wages.

★ monetary tightening (貨幣緊縮,政府用以抑制經濟體內消費或是通貨膨脹所採取的措施。)
• Monetary tightening in Estanza is likely to end soon.

★ quantitative easing (QE) (量化寬鬆政策,藉由購買政府債券或市場其他證券,來增加貨幣供給效果的貨幣政策。)
• Any new rounds of quantitative easing threaten to increase the rate of inflation.

★ deficit (赤字,債務超過資產的情況。)
• According to the Keynesian economists, we can boost economic growth by increasing deficit spending.

★ consumer price index (CPI) (消費者物價指數,用以檢視消費者商品、勞務加權平均價格之指數。意即由消費者的立場,來衡量財貨及勞務的價格。)
• To monitor the rate of inflation, keep a close eye on the consumer price index.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「通貨膨脹相關英文」

如何延續瀕危的語言 How to Help an Endangered Language

Eleven of the world's languages have at least one hundred million native speakers. The biggest are Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, Arabic, and Hindi. Next come Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Japanese, French, and German. The United Nations says these eleven languages are the mother tongues of half the world's population.

But the world has close to seven thousand languages. Linguists predict that as many as half of these may be at risk of disappearing by the end of this century. That would mean another language dies every two weeks.

Members of the Siletz Indian tribe in the northwestern state of Oregon take pride in their language. Their language, they say, "is as old as time itself." But today, very few people can speak it fluently.

Mr. Harrison and a researcher in Oregon have mapped areas of endangered languages. One is the Pacific Northwest in the United States. Others include the upper Amazon basin, Siberia, and northern Australia.

In Canada's Far North, the Inuit people are struggling to preserve their native language, Inuktitut. Part of the effort involves Microsoft. The company is translating terms in its Windows operating system and Office software into Inuktitut. Gavin Nesbitt is the project leader.

He says the programming group had to invent new words to include all the terms in some Windows and Word document menus. But he says the effort is worth it.

"So many people will spend their entire day sitting in front of a computer. If you're sitting in front of your computer in English all day, that just reinforces English. If you're now using Inuktitut, it is reinforcing that this is your language."

Microsoft has also worked with language activists in New Zealand, Spain, and Wales to translate its software into Maori, Basque, Catalan, and Welsh.

In Oregon, Siletz language teacher Bud Lane says technology alone cannot save endangered languages.

"Nothing takes the place of speakers speaking to other speakers and to people who are learning. But this bridges a gap that was just sorely needed in our community and in our tribe."

He points to one sign of progress: Young members of the tribe are now texting each other in Siletz.

全球有11 種語言各有至少一億人口使用。其中最多人使用的語言包括中文、英文、西班牙文、阿拉伯文,和印度語。其次是葡萄牙文、孟加拉語、俄文、日文、法文和德文。據聯合國指出,使用這11 種語言作為母語的人,超過全球人口半數。


奧勒岡州西北部的印度裔Siletz 部落以他們的語言自豪。該族人表示,他們的母語就和時間一樣悠久,但現在只有極少數族人能流利使用該語言。


在加拿大極北端,紐因特族人(the Inuit)正試圖努力保存該族母語紐因特語(Inuktitut)。微軟也參加其母語保存運動, 透過將Windows 操作系統和Office 軟體的操作指令,轉換成該語言。該計畫由嘉文.紐斯比(Gavin Nesbitt)主導。

他指出,該團隊必須要自創新字體,才能將Windows 系統和Office 軟體的操作指令,轉化成該語言,但這些努力都是值得的。



在奧勒岡州,教授Siletz 語的老師巴德.蘭(Bud Lane)表示,若單只有科技,是無法延續這些瀕臨絕跡的語言。


他指出現在部落裡的年輕人會用Siletz 語傳簡訊了,這個跡象說明用科技保存語言的努力,的確有了成效。


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