2020年7月31日 星期五

See That Fridge on the Sidewalk? It’s Full of Free Food 紐約街頭的愛心冰箱 全放「免費食物

【聯安醫週刊】提供健康新知、飲食營養等內容,以淺顯易懂的方式和大家輕鬆聊健康,落實生活中的健康美學。 網路時代,部落格是最佳發聲的平台。從【部落客名嘴】電子報非大眾媒體的角度,看個人媒體如何發揮影響力!
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2020/08/07 第311期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 See That Fridge on the Sidewalk? It's Full of Free Food 紐約街頭的愛心冰箱 全放「免費食物」
Colleges Face Rising Revolt by Professors 重返大學校園 美國教授很有意見
See That Fridge on the Sidewalk? It's Full of Free Food 紐約街頭的愛心冰箱 全放「免費食物」
紐約街頭的愛心冰箱 全放「免費食物」

A lonely refrigerator sits on a Bronx sidewalk at 242nd Street and Broadway. It's not trash.


Painted in bright yellows, purples, oranges and blues, the fridge has "Free Food" written in bubble letters across its freezer, with the same in Spanish, "Comida Gratis," on its side.


Selma Raven makes good on that promise. She doesn't ask prodding questions of those who visit the fridge. She sometimes chats as she disinfects the unit, which is plugged into a socket inside a restaurant, and stocks it with fresh produce and ready-made meals.


Mothers, home attendants, nursing assistants and the unemployed stop by the fridge to pick up food, Raven said. At first, some residents were skeptical; even cabdrivers told her it wouldn't work. Now, they're allies.


Community-led, free-food refrigerators, sometimes nicknamed "friendly fridges," have been popping up on city sidewalks since February.


When the coronavirus pandemic and stay-at-home orders halted New York City's economy, many residents — some suddenly out of work, and others sick with the illness — struggled to fill their own refrigerators.


At community refrigerators, anyone is welcome to take whatever they want and leave behind food they don't need, like extra produce. Many volunteers who clean and stock the refrigerators daily ask local restaurants and stores to donate unused or unsold food items instead of throwing them away.


The goals are simple: Reduce food waste and feed the community.


Food insecurity and waste have plagued both New Yorkers and the environment long before the pandemic. In the city, about 2 million people, or 1 in every 4 New Yorkers, are food insecure.


About 30% of the country's food supply is wasted, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


A network of New Yorkers collaborating with In Our Hearts, an activist group, have set up and maintained at least 14 fridges, which are plugged into local bodegas, restaurants or homes with permission.


The volunteers who tend to many of the free-food refrigerators in New York communicate with one another on Signal, the encrypted messaging app, to coordinate the distribution of food from organizations like Universe City, an aquaponic farm and work space in Brownsville, Brooklyn.


Thadeaus Umpster, an organizer with In Our Hearts, said that people have been giving away refrigerators through Instagram.In February, Umpster set up the group's first refrigerator in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.


As the pandemic worsened in March and April, other people asked to get involved. It also seemed that the more refrigerators New Yorkers saw on social media like Instagram, the more new ones appeared.


In recent weeks, Umpster has been distributing food to other fridges and answering calls from people across the world who want to start similar projects.


(Amanda Rosa)(陳韋廷/譯,樂慧生/核稿)

Colleges Face Rising Revolt by Professors 重返大學校園 美國教授很有意見
重返大學校園 教授很有意見

College students across the country have been warned that campus life will look drastically different in the fall, with temperature checks at academic buildings, masks in half-empty lecture halls and maybe no football games.


What they might not expect: a lack of professors in the classroom.


Thousands of instructors at American colleges and universities have told administrators in recent days that they are unwilling to resume in-person classes because of the pandemic.


More than three-quarters of colleges and universities have decided students can return to campus this fall. But they face a growing faculty revolt.


"Until there's a vaccine, I'm not setting foot on campus," said Dana Ward, 70, an emeritus professor of political studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, California, who teaches a class in anarchist history and thought. "Going into the classroom is like playing Russian roulette."


This comes as major outbreaks have hit college towns this summer, spread by partying students and practicing athletes.

It is hard to predict how many professors will refuse to teach face to face in the fall. But schools and professors are planning ahead.


A Cornell University survey of its faculty found that about one-third were "not interested in teaching classes in person," one-third were "open to doing it if conditions were deemed to be safe," and about one-third were "willing and anxious to teach in person," said Michael Kotlikoff, Cornell's provost.


Faculty members at institutions including Penn State, the University of Illinois, Notre Dame and the State University of New York have signed petitions complaining that they are not being consulted and are being pushed back into classrooms too fast.


The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus is known for its lively social scene, says a faculty petition. To expect more than 50,000 students to behave according to public health guidelines, it goes on, "would be to ignore reality."


At Penn State, an open letter signed by more than 1,000 faculty members demands that the university "affirm the autonomy of instructors in deciding whether to teach classes, attend meetings and hold office hours remotely, in person or in some hybrid mode." The letter also asks for faculty members to be able to change their mode of teaching at any time, and not to be obligated to disclose personal health information as a condition of teaching online.


"I shudder at the prospect of teaching in a room filled with asymptomatic superspreaders," wrote Paul M. Kellermann, 62, an English professor at Penn State, in an essay for Esquire magazine, proclaiming that "1,000 of my colleagues agree."


文/Anemona Hartocollis 譯/陳韋廷 核稿/樂慧生



全美許多大學在疫情爆發後被迫改採線上授課方式,如今好不容易能重開校園,卻遇上教授們拒絕重返教室的難題,文中以revolt(反抗、造反)形容他們的抗爭,而faculty在文中作「全體教職人員(即教師)」解,此字還指大學中的院或是部,像是faculty of agriculture(農學院)或faculty of medicine(醫學院)。

provost指美加地區高教體系中的「教務長」,負責管理一切學術相關活動與課程事務,但在英國則指大學中的學院院長。至於美國大學中常見職稱,除教授外還有chair(系主任)、dean(院長)、president╱chancellor(校長),又chancellor指的是有多校區的大學校長,而教授頭銜又分為assistant professor(助理教授)、associate professor(副教授)、adjunct Professor(兼任教授)及文中提到的榮譽教授。


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fid to trust 信任;
faith 忠誠
【 confide 】
con,intens.+fid(e),to trust
v. 信任,信賴(trust);交託,託付(entrust,intrust)
→ confidence n. 信任;自信;祕密
【 confidential 】
con,intens.+fid,to trust+ent,related to +ial,a.s.
a. 祕密的,機密的(secret)
【 diffident 】
dif=dis,not+fid,to trust+ent,a.s.
a. 缺乏自信的;羞怯的(shy)
Bill is diffident about her ability to succeed.
【 fidelity 】
n. 忠貞,忠誠(loyalty);傳真性
→ high fidelity 高度傳真性(Hi Fi)
→ fealty n. 效忠;忠誠(loyalty,faithfulness)
【 infidelity 】
n. 不忠實(disloyalty);不貞(adultery);背信
【 perfidious 】
per,through+fid(i),faith+ous,full of
a. 不忠的,不義的;奸詐的(treacherous)
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n. → noun 名詞
v. → verb 動詞
a. → adjective 形容詞
adv. → adverb 副詞
s. → suffix 字尾
n.s. → noun suffix 名詞字尾
a.s. → adjective suffix 形容詞字尾
v.s. → verb suffix 動詞字尾
L.s. → Latin suffix 拉丁字字尾
pl. → 複數
←→ → 表示「反義字」
intens. → intensive mood 強調的語氣
syn. → 同義字
n.b. → nota bene 注意
作者高志豪 資深多益教學專家

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