2019年8月19日 星期一

The Zarf: An Everyday Item You’ve Never Heard Of 咖啡杯托 掌中見奢華

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2019/08/20 第427期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Zarf: An Everyday Item You’ve Never Heard Of  咖啡杯托 掌中見奢華
by Nick Kembel


  Have you ever heard of a zarf? You’ve __1__ used one before—maybe even this morning! While “zarf” may sound like a kind of futuristic weapon of mass destruction, it is in fact a rather __2__ item in today’s world.
  To understand what a zarf is, we have to go back to 16th-century Turkey. Although coffee was __3__ in Ethiopia, Turkey is where it first became a popular drink. At the time, Turkish men would __4__ in coffeehouses to discuss politics and social issues. The coffee they drank was very strong and came in little porcelain cups with no handles. In order to __5__ the cups without burning their fingers, they placed them in small metal holders called zarfs.
  Zarfs played an important role in Turkish culture. Serving and drinking coffee was full of __6__, much like the Japanese tea ceremony. To serve coffee in a beautiful zarf was a way of showing respect, loyalty, or affection to one’s __7__. That’s why these ornamental holders were often fine works of art. Usually they were made of metal such as silver, gold, copper, or brass, and were often __8__ with engravings or gems. Most of the time, the zarf was more beautiful than the cup.
  While it is highly __9__ that you drink your morning cup of joe out of a traditional Turkish zarf, odds are that you’ve used the modern version. In 1991, Jay Sorensen created a simple cardboard version of the holder, perfect for paper cups of hot __10__ coffee. Most people call it a “java jacket” or “coffee sleeve.” So if you ask for a “zarf” the next time you order a coffee, don’t be surprised if you get a puzzled look instead.
(A) ordinary  (B) lift  (C) guests  (D) rituals  (E) gather
(F) decorated  (G) probably  (H) takeaway  (I) invented  (J) unlikely

zarf n. 金屬杯托
porcelain n. 瓷器(集合名詞,不可數)
tea ceremony  茶道
 ceremony n. 禮儀;儀式
a work of art  一件藝術品
brass n. 黃銅
engraving n. 雕刻;版畫
gem n. 寶石
a cup of joe  一杯咖啡
cardboard a. 硬紙板製的 & n. 硬紙板
java n. 咖啡(美式俚語)

(A) ordinary a. 普通的,平凡的
• The talent show made a few ordinary people overnight sensations.

(B) lift vt. 舉起;解除(禁令)&
vi.(身體部位)抬起 & n. 電梯(英式用法)
• John lifted his daughter up to his shoulders.
• The government has been urged to lift restrictions on free trade.

(C) guest n. 客人,來賓 & vt. 款待 &
vi. 作為來賓出席
• The host found himself in an embarrassing situation when he ran out of food for his guests.

(D) ritual n. 儀式
• This ancient ritual is no longer practiced.

(E) gather vi. 聚集,集合 & vt. 收集 &
n. 衣褶
• Birds often gather in the park in great numbers.
• We need to gather more information about the situation before reacting.

(F) decorate vt. 裝飾
be decorated with...  以……裝飾
• All the department stores are decorated with Christmas ornaments during the holiday season.

(G) probably adv. 很可能;大概
• It will probably take me three weeks to read this 1,000-page novel.

(H) takeaway a. 外帶的(僅置於名詞前作修飾)&
n. 外帶;重點
• That store offers 25% off takeaway pizza every Saturday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
• The most important takeaway from this study is that people should drink milk in moderation.

(I) invent vt. 發明,創造
• A group of researchers invented a new type of drug for treating Type II diabetes.

(J) unlikely a. 不太可能的
It is unlikely + that 子句  不太可能……
• It is unlikely that Andy will change his mind.

1. You’ve probably used one before—maybe even this morning!
a. 空格前有主詞及現在完成式助動詞 You’ve,而空格後有過去分詞 used(使用),故知空格應置入副詞以修飾 used。
b. 選項中僅有 (G) probably 符合條件,且根據語意,你「很有可能」曾使用過 ── 或許甚至是今早就用過了,可知答案應選 (G)。

2. While “zarf” may sound like a kind of futuristic weapon of mass destruction, it is in fact a rather ordinary item in today’s world.
a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a 及副詞 rather(相當地),而空格後有名詞 item(用品),故知空格應置入形容詞以被 rather 修飾,並修飾 item。
b. 選項中有 (A) ordinary、(H) takeaway 及 (J) unlikely 符合條件,根據語意,雖然「zarf」聽起來可能像某種能造成大型毀滅的未來武器,但實際上,它在現今世界中是個相當「日常的」用品,可知答案應選 (A)。

3. Although coffee was invented in Ethiopia, Turkey is where it first became a popular drink.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 was,而空格後有介詞 in,故知空格應置入形容詞或分詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (F) decorated、(H) takeaway、(I) invented 及 (J) unlikely 符合條件,根據語意,雖然咖啡是在衣索比亞被「發明」的,但土耳其才是它最先成為受歡迎飲品的地方,可知答案應選 (I)。

4. At the time, Turkish men would gather in coffeehouses to discuss politics and social issues.
a. 空格前有助動詞 would,而空格後有介詞 in,故知空格應置入原形不及物動詞。
b. 選項中有 (B) lift 及 (E) gather 符合條件,根據語意,土耳其男人會「聚在」咖啡廳裡討論政治和社會議題,可知答案應選 (E)。

5. In order to lift the cups without burning their fingers, they placed them in small metal holders called zarfs.
a. 空格前有引導不定詞片語的 to,而空格後有名詞詞組 the cups(杯子),故知空格應置入原形及物動詞。
b. 選項中僅剩 (B) lift 符合條件,置入後表「拿起」這些杯子時不燙傷手指,可知答案應選 (B)。

6. Serving and drinking coffee was full of rituals, much like the Japanese tea ceremony.
a. 空格前有片語 was full of(充滿……),故知空格應置入複數或不可數名詞。
b. 選項中有 (C) guests 及 (D) rituals 符合條件,根據語意,供應和飲用咖啡時充滿了「儀式」,就很像日本茶道,可知答案應選 (D)。

7. To serve coffee in a beautiful zarf was a way of showing respect, loyalty, or affection to one’s guests.
a. 空格前有所有格 one’s,故知空格應置入名詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (C) guests 及 (H) takeaway 符合條件,根據語意,將咖啡放在美麗的杯托中呈上是展現對某人「賓客」尊重、忠誠或感情的一種方法,可知答案應選 (C)。

8. Usually they were made of metal such as silver, gold, copper, or brass, and were often decorated with engravings or gems.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 were 及副詞 often(往往),而空格後有介詞 with,故知空格應置入形容詞或分詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (F) decorated、(H) takeaway 及 (J) unlikely 符合條件,根據語意,杯托由像是銀、金、紅銅或黃銅等金屬製成,且常會以雕刻或寶石「裝飾」,且 “be decorated with...” 為固定用法,可知答案應選 (F)。

9. While it is highly unlikely that you drink your morning cup of joe out of a traditional Turkish zarf, odds are that you’ve used the modern version.
a. 空格前有虛主詞 it、be 動詞 is 及副詞 highly(極為),而空格後有 that 引導的名詞子句作真主詞,故知空格應置入形容詞以被 highly 修飾並作主詞補語。
b. 選項中尚有 (H) takeaway 及 (J) unlikely 符合條件,根據語意,雖然你極「不可能」是用傳統的土耳其杯托來喝早晨的咖啡,你卻很有可能曾使用現代的版本,且 “It is unlikely + that 子句” 為固定用法,可知答案應選 (J)。

10. In 1991, Jay Sorensen created a simple cardboard version of the holder, perfect for paper cups of hot takeaway coffee.
a. 空格前有形容詞 hot(熱的),而空格後有名詞 coffee(咖啡),故知空格應置入形容詞以修飾 coffee。
b. 選項中僅剩 (H) takeaway 符合條件,置入後表用紙杯裝的「外帶」熱咖啡,可知答案應選 (H)。

1. play an important role / part in...
• Teamwork plays an important role in achieving success.

2. be made of...  由……(材料)製成
• My grandfather’s little house in the country is made of wood.

3. (the) odds are + that 子句  很有可能……
= (the) chances are + that 子句
= it is likely + that 子句
• If you do well in school, (the) odds are that you’ll get into a good college.

1. futuristic a. 未來感的
• Joanna is renowned for her futuristic fashion designs.

2. destruction n. 破壞
• The destruction of the forests will have serious ecological consequences.

3. politics n. 政治
• Joe got involved in politics because he wanted to make a difference.

4. issue n. 議題
• I’d like to hear your opinions regarding this issue.

5. loyalty n. 忠誠,忠心
• It is an insult to me that you are suspicious of my loyalty to my company.

6. affection n. 感情,情愛
• The poet shows a lot of affection for his beloved wife in the poem.

7. ornamental a. 作為裝飾用的
• This ornamental fish was introduced to Taiwan 20 years ago.

8. version n. 版本
• Your story does not correspond with another witness’s version.

9. sleeve n. 袖子
• David rolled his sleeves up above his elbows and started to work.

10. puzzled a. 困惑的,迷惑的
be puzzled about...  對……感到困惑
• Christine was puzzled about what to do next since she wasn’t given clear instructions.

咖啡杯托 掌中見奢華

  你聽過杯托(zarf)嗎?你很有可能曾使用過 ── 或許甚至是今早就用過了!雖然「zarf」聽起來可能像某種能造成大型毀滅的未來武器,但實際上,它在現今世界中是個相當日常的用品。
  雖然你極不可能是用傳統的土耳其杯托來喝早晨的咖啡,你卻很有可能曾使用現代的版本。1991 年,傑.索瑞森創造了簡單的紙杯套,完美適用於用紙杯裝的外帶熱咖啡。大多數人稱它「java jacket(咖啡外衣)」或「coffee sleeve(咖啡袖套)」。所以,若你下次點咖啡時跟店家要一個「zarf」,別因為你只得到一個困惑的表情回應而感到驚訝。
1. G 2. A 3. I 4. E 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. F 9. J 10. H

常春藤 31 歲囉 給你不只 3+1


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眾多好處等你發現 趕快行動吧!


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