2019年8月5日 星期一

Luye Plateau 鹿野高臺

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2019/08/06 第414期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Luye Plateau  鹿野高臺
The hills of Taitung will take you higher than you’ve ever dreamed.


  The Luye Plateau is located in Taiwan’s Taitung County. It is part of a larger landform called the East Rift Valley. This area offers beautiful scenery and exciting chances for visitors to take to the sky.
  The Taiwan International Balloon Festival has been held every year in the summertime since 2011. It runs for over a month, which makes it the longest running hot air balloon festival in the world. At each edition of the festival many different balloons are on display. Some of them have a traditional shape, while others are in the form of popular film characters, such as Minions or Darth Vader.
  For those who prefer a more hands-on approach to air activities, there is paragliding. Paragliding is similar to skydiving but is done closer to the ground. To paraglide, a person must wear a harness tied to a parachute, and then run down the side of a steep hill. The parachute will catch the wind, like a kite, and the paraglider can fly on the breeze for a while, enjoying a lovely view of Taiwan.


1. summertime n. 夏季/天
Summertime is the best time for water activities.

2. edition n. 一屆;版本
At every edition of this festival different artists come and perform.
The limited edition sneakers are worth the price because not many people will have them.
* sneaker n. 運動鞋

3. on display  展出
Of all the paintings on display at the museum, this one is the most noteworthy.
* noteworthy a. 值得注意的

4. traditional a. 傳統的
It’s traditional in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving.

5. in the form of...  以……的形狀
This balloon is in the form of a heart.

6. steep a. 陡峭的;險峻的
After climbing the steep mountain, everybody was tired.

7. breeze n. 微風
Andy likes walking along the beach and enjoying the breeze coming from the sea.

8. lovely a. 美麗的;可愛的
The mayor has a vision of changing this area into a lovely park.
* vision n. 願景,設想

landform n. 地形
rift valley n. 裂谷;地塹
paragliding n. 滑翔傘/飛行傘運動
skydiving n. 高空跳傘
harness n.(跳傘、垂降等用的)背帶,吊帶
parachute n. 降落傘
paraglider n. 飛行傘(飛行員)

本文中的複合形容詞 hands-on 有「實際操作的,親身實踐的」意思,和 hands-on 意思相近的字有 first-hand。讓我們來看看這些複合形容詞所搭配的例句吧:
 The teacher uses a more hands-on approach in her class.
 The science museum has interactive exhibits that give kids a first-hand experience.

  自 2011 年夏天起,臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華每年都會定期舉行。本活動舉辦時間長達一個多月,這使它成為世界上為期最長的熱氣球嘉年華。熱氣球嘉年華每屆會展示許多不一樣的氣球。有一些有傳統的造型,而有些則是呈現出受歡迎電影角色的形狀,例如小小兵或黑武士。

常春藤 31 歲囉 給你不只 3+1


常春藤 31 歲囉∼給你好康不只 3+1
1 單本79折,任三本以上75折
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3 滿額現折,買越多折越多!
眾多好處等你發現 趕快行動吧!


每天花 30 分鐘享受與孩子的親密時光,
沒有 3C 廣告干擾,幫孩子找回學習語言的專注力

歡慶31週年慶 歡慶31週年慶,常春藤給你3+1獨特心法!雜誌訂閱優惠。訂閱半年就送「韓版大容量折疊旅行拉桿包」,訂一年則送E-books U5 隨身防震收納包
在衛報The Guardian這篇報導提及,麥可不僅對古典音樂有著豐富的知識,更計劃將古典音樂融入當時籌劃中的新專輯裡,嘗試跨界演出。可惜的是,他的計劃並未完成。他曾說過,古典音樂才是他真正的初戀。


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