2019年5月13日 星期一

Dressed to Kill 滲透中東文化的利刃 ── 葉門雙刃彎刀

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2019/05/08 第414期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Dressed to Kill  滲透中東文化的利刃 ── 葉門雙刃彎刀
by Bruce E. Bagnell


  The Arabian Peninsula, a part of western Asia, is almost completely covered by desert. Life there is never easy. Blessed with oil but __1__ with little water, the nations on the Arabian Peninsula have had to battle nature and each other to eke out a living. Nowhere can this __2__ be seen more clearly than in Yemen.
  Currently at war—again—Yemen is __3__ to some 28 million people, nearly all Muslim. They are the poorest population in the Middle East, which is saying something. They are __4__ of fierce desert tribes, and Yemeni men honor this cultural heritage by adorning themselves with an Arab symbol of masculinity, a dagger.
  Called a jambiya or jambia, this curved knife is __5__ in a sheath on a belt. The double-edged dagger usually has a center line ridge and a hilt carved from animal bone. Originally, this was crafted from rhinoceros horn, but as rhino populations have become __6__, today’s handles are made of wood or metal instead. The sheath that protects the knife is __7__ with silver or semi-precious stones. This case is suspended from a richly embroidered belt. A purse for money or keys may also share space on the belt.
  Jambiyas are not playthings, and __8__ social rules are observed for their use. Yemeni men rarely use their dagger as a weapon; rather, they are drawn and raised to __9__ ritual wedding dances. Jambiyas serve as symbols of a man’s masculinity and the social __10__ of the family he hails from. Should you ever meet a man wearing a robe and sporting a jambiya, you might ask him if he is Yemeni.
(A) remains  (B) cursed  (C) perform  (D) strict
(E) home  (F) endangered  (G) status  (H) worn
(I) decorated  (J) descendants  (K) beaten  (L) struggle


(A) remains n. 遺跡/遺體(恆用複數)
remain vi. 依然,保持
• The remains of the ancient Pantheon in Rome are a must-see in Italy.

(B) cursed a. 被詛咒的
curse vt. 詛咒,咒罵
be cursed with...  因……而受苦
• This old doll is said to be cursed.
• Todd is cursed with a nagging wife and troublesome children.

(C) perform vt. 表演;執行 & vi. 演出
• The soldiers performed their tasks with precision and care.

(D) strict a. 嚴格的
be strict with sb  對某人很嚴格
• Mrs. Smith has a reputation for being strict with her children.

(E) home n. 家
be home to...  是……的家鄉/棲息地/發源地
• The ocean is home to lots of marine life.

(F) endangered a. 瀕臨滅絕/絕種的
endanger vt. 危及,使處於險境
• The green sea turtle is an endangered species.
• The woman’s careless driving not only endangers herself but others as well.

(G) status n. 地位;身分
a high social status  崇高的社會地位
• Scholars often hold a high social status.

(H) worn a.(物品)陳舊的,損壞的
wear vt. 穿戴;磨損
三態為:wear, wore, worn。
wear out... / wear... out  穿破……
• Children tend to wear out their shoes very quickly.

(I) decorate vt. 裝飾
be decorated with...  以……裝飾
• The whole room is decorated with red roses.

(J) descendant n. 後裔,子孫
• I was astonished to learn that Jay is actually a descendant of French nobility.

(K) beaten a.(道路)常有人行走的;頹喪的
be off the beaten path  人跡罕至的;非主流的
beat vt. 打敗,勝過
三態為:beat, beat, beaten。
• The young tennis player beat the former champion in the final match.

(L) struggle n. & vt. 奮鬥;搏鬥;掙扎
struggle to V  努力/掙扎(做)……
• My father’s struggle with illness was very tragic.
• Jim struggled to carry the box of books up the stairs.

1. Blessed with oil but cursed with little water, the nations on the Arabian Peninsula have had to battle nature and each other to eke out a living.
a. 空格前有過去分詞片語 Blessed with(擁有)、受詞 oil(石油)及對等連接詞 but,而空格後有介詞 with,故知空格應置入過去分詞以形成對等。
b. 選項中有 (B) cursed、(F) endangered、(H) worn、(I) decorated 及 (K) beaten 符合條件,根據語意,阿拉伯半島上的國家有幸擁有石油,卻因缺水「受苦」,且 “be cursed with...” 為固定用法,可知答案應選 (B)。

2. Nowhere can this struggle be seen more clearly than in Yemen.
a. 空格前有指示形容詞 this,而空格後有 be 動詞 be,故知空格應置入單數名詞。
b. 選項中有 (E) home、(G) status 及 (L) struggle 符合條件,根據語意,沒有一個地方能比葉門更清楚地看到這種「奮鬥」,可知答案應選 (L)。

3. Currently at war—again—Yemen is home to some 28 million people, nearly all Muslim.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is,而空格後有介詞 to,故知空格應置入不可數名詞、形容詞或分詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (D) strict、(E) home、(F) endangered、(G) status、(H) worn、(I) decorated 及 (K) beaten 符合條件,根據語意,目前再度處於戰爭狀態的葉門是大約兩千八百萬人的「家鄉」,幾乎都是穆斯林,且 “be home to...” 為固定用法,可知答案應選 (E)。

4. They are descendants of fierce desert tribes...
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 are,而空格後有介詞 of 及名詞詞組 fierce desert tribes(凶猛的沙漠部族),故知空格應置入複數名詞。
b. 選項中有 (A) remains 及 (J) descendants 符合條件,根據語意,葉門人是凶猛沙漠部族的「後裔」,可知答案應選 (J)。

5. Called a jambiya or jambia, this curved knife is worn in a sheath on a belt.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is,而空格後有介詞 in,故知空格應置入不可數名詞、形容詞或分詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (D) strict、(F) endangered、(G) status、(H) worn、(I) decorated 及 (K) beaten 符合條件,根據語意,這種彎刀稱為葉門雙刃彎刀,「佩戴」於腰帶上的刀鞘中,可知答案應選 (H)。

6. ... but as rhino populations have become endangered, today’s handles are made of wood or metal instead.
a. 空格前有不完全不及物動詞 become(變成),故知空格應置入形容詞、分詞、不可數名詞或複數名詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (A) remains、(D) strict、(F) endangered、(G) status、(I) decorated 及 (K) beaten 符合條件,根據語意,隨著犀牛的數量已「瀕臨滅絕」,現今的刀柄以木材或金屬製成,可知答案應選 (F)。

7. The sheath that protects the knife is decorated with silver or semi-precious stones.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is,而空格後有介詞 with,故知空格應置入不可數名詞、形容詞或分詞。
b. 選項中尚有 (D) strict、(G) status、(I) decorated 及 (K) beaten 符合條件,根據語意,保護刀的刀鞘以銀或半寶石「裝飾」,且 “be decorated with...” 為固定用法,可知答案應選 (I)。

8. Jambiyas are not playthings, and strict social rules are observed for their use.
a. 空格前有一完整句、逗點及對等連接詞 and,而空格所在位置亦為一完整句,並以名詞詞組 social rules(社會規則)為主詞,故知空格應置入形容詞以修飾 social rules。
b. 選項中尚有 (D) strict 及 (K) beaten 符合條件,根據語意,葉門雙刃彎刀並非玩物,使用它們時必須遵守「嚴格的」社會規則,可知答案應選 (D)。

9. Yemeni men rarely use their dagger as a weapon; rather, they are drawn and raised to perform ritual wedding dances.
a. 空格前有引導不定詞片語的 to,而空格後有名詞詞組 ritual wedding dances(婚禮儀式的舞蹈),故知空格應置入原形及物動詞。
b. 選項中僅剩 (C) perform 符合條件,且符合語意,葉門人很少會使用匕首作為武器,反而是在「表演」婚禮儀式的舞蹈時才會拔出並高舉它們,可知答案應選 (C)。

10. Jambiyas serve as symbols of a man’s masculinity and the social status of the family he hails from.
a. 空格前有形容詞 social(社會的),而空格後有介詞 of,故知空格應置入名詞以被 social 修飾。
b. 選項中尚有 (A) remains 及 (G) status 符合條件,根據語意,葉門雙刃彎刀象徵著一個男人的男子氣概及其出身家庭的社會「地位」,可知答案應選 (G)。


peninsula n. 半島
nowhere adv. 無處
Muslim n. 穆斯林
masculinity n. 男子氣概
dagger n. 匕首,短劍
sheath n.(刀、劍等的)鞘
ridge n. 隆起;山脊
hilt n.(鋒利武器的)柄
rhinoceros n. 犀牛
= rhino n.
a semi-precious stone  半寶石
embroider vt. 刺繡(本文為過去分詞作形容詞用)

1. be blessed with sth  有幸擁有某物
• Nick is blessed with a wonderful family.

2. eke out a living  勉強維持生計
eke vt. 增加,補充
• Susan managed to eke out a living one summer selling old clothes.

3. be at war  在戰爭中
• The two neighboring countries have been at war for the last five years.

4. adorn A with B  以 B 裝飾 A
= decorate A with B
• The government adorned the streets with decorations for Chinese New Year.

5. serve as...  當作……用,充當……
• During the typhoon, the school served as a shelter.

6. hail from...  來自……
hail vi. 來自
• Both my parents hail from Hokkaido.

1. population n. 人口;生物的總數
• That city has a population of over three million.

2. fierce a. 凶猛的;激烈的
• Large cats such as lions and tigers are fierce predators.

3. heritage n. 傳統;(文化)遺產
• Vienna is hosting a classical music festival to celebrate its musical heritage.

4. curved a. 彎曲的
• The hockey stick is curved at the end.

5. craft vt. 精巧地製作
• These bracelets were crafted by local artisans.
*artisan n. 工匠;技工

6. suspend vt. 懸掛,吊起;使中止
• We suspended two hanging plants from the balcony railing.
• Construction on that road was suspended for a few days during the typhoon.

7. observe vt. 遵守;觀察
• It’s our duty to observe the law. No one should be an exception.
• The coach quietly observed the athletes playing water polo in the pool.

8. ritual a. 儀式性的,典禮的 & n. 儀式
• Balinese dance is a ritual dance connected to the Hindu religion.
• The shaman performed a ritual to rid the man of evil spirits.
*shaman n. 薩滿(巫師)

9. sport vt. 穿戴;炫耀,賣弄
• Cindy came to work sporting a red baseball cap.


滲透中東文化的利刃 ── 葉門雙刃彎刀


答案:1. B 2. L 3. E 4. J 5. H 6. F 7. I 8. D 9.C 10. G


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