2017年8月14日 星期一

Destination Wild: Europe's Wild Islands 野外遊蹤 —— 歐洲之島

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2017/08/15 第312期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Destination Wild: Europe's Wild Islands  野外遊蹤 —— 歐洲之島
Check out some of the Atlantic Ocean's most beautiful and wild islands.


   In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean are the nine beautiful islands that make up the Azores. Rising from deep under the ocean, the Azores were formed by volcanoes that are still active today. They have amazing mountain peaks, cliffs, and beaches. This makes the islands the perfect place for National Geographic's Destination Wild: Europe's Wild Islands.
   The Azores are over a thousand kilometers from Portugal. Since they are almost in the middle of the Atlantic, it is amazing that the islands hold any life at all. Though the islands are home to only a few types of native animals—mainly birds and insects—they have a wide range of plants. How did the Azores come to look like a tropical jungle? The answer is the birds. Birds from America and Europe brought seeds with them when they stopped to rest. Now, several different kinds of birds make their homes in the trees that were planted on the islands centuries ago.
   The Azores are a paradise of mountains and jungle and have often been called the Hawaii of Europe. To experience all the beauty these islands offer, tune in to National Geographic's Destination Wild: Europe's Wild Islands.


   在大西洋中有九座美麗的島嶼組成了亞述群島。從深海中隆起,亞述群島由至今仍活躍的火山形成。它們有驚人的山峰、懸崖及海灘。這使該群島成為最適合拍攝國家地理《野外遊蹤 —— 歐洲之島》的地方。
   亞述群島距葡萄牙一千多公里遠。因為它們幾乎位於大西洋中央,所以令人驚嘆的是該群島擁有任何生物。雖然該群島只是幾種原生動物的所在地 —— 主要為鳥和昆蟲 —— 但是那裡有各式各樣的植物。亞述群島是如何變得看起來像熱帶叢林呢?答案是鳥類。從美洲及歐洲來的鳥停在島上休息時順便帶來了種子。現在,許多不同種類的鳥把幾世紀前在島上種植的樹木當成牠們的家。
   亞述群島是群山和叢林的天堂,並常被稱作「歐洲的夏威夷」。想體驗這些群島展現的美景,請鎖定國家地理《野外遊蹤 —— 歐洲之島》。

  1. active a. 活的,隨時會爆發的;活躍的
    That volcano had been active for over 500 years.
  2. peak n. 頂峰
    The young man climbed to the peak of the mountain in record time.
  3. be home to...  是……的所在地
    Australia is home to many unique animals.
  4. native a. 原產的,當地的
    be native to + 地方  原生於某地
    This fruit is native to that island. Nowhere else can you find it.
  5. tropical a. 熱帶的
    That tropical island is a paradise. Once you visit it, you won't want to leave.
  6. tune in to...  收看/收聽……(節目)
    For a good laugh, you should tune in to the local talk shows.

volcano n. 火山

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