2017年7月17日 星期一

溫網錦標賽:百年榮耀 經典傳承

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2017/07/17第269期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網


簡介: ◎ 溫網小詞典 ◎「大快朵頤」的英語怎麼說? ◎ 圖解網球場

Wimbledon: 140 Years of Tennis Champions

2017 marks the 140th anniversary of The Championships, Wimbledon, the oldest tennis tournament in the world. It is one of four Grand Slam tennis tournaments — the only one to still be played on grass — and spans a fortnight, usually in late June and early July. Gentlemen's Singles titleholders are awarded a silver gilt cup, while champions of the Ladies' Singles win a sterling silver salver known as the "Venus Rosewater Dish."

A formal air is adopted in Wimbledon. Players adhere to a strict dress code of almost all white clothing, advertising around the courts is eschewed, and the event is consistently patronized by British royalty. Additionally, small fleets of court attendants keep the tournament running smoothly, which includes briskly covering the courts in the event of rain. Audiences wolf down approximately 28,000 kilograms of strawberries and 10,000 liters of cream, the decadent snack of the event, during each Wimbledon.

Pete Sampras and Roger Federer co-hold the record for most Championship victories with seven wins each. Despite being a U.K. tournament, no male citizen of the Isles emerged victorious from 1936 to 2013, when Andy Murray ended the drought. Martina Navratilova holds the Ladies' records for most consecutive and total overall championships, at six and nine wins respectively. Renowned siblings Serena and Venus Williams have notched up five titles each from 2000 to 2012.

溫網錦標賽:百年榮耀 經典傳承

2017 年是溫布頓網球錦標賽的 140 週年慶,溫網為世界上歷史最悠久的網球錦標賽。它是四大滿貫網球錦標賽之一,也是其中唯一一個仍在草地上進行的比賽。賽事持續兩週,通常在六月底至七月初。男子單打的冠軍會獲頒鍍金銀製獎盃,而女子單打的冠軍則是贏得以「玫瑰露水盤」著稱的純銀獎盤。
彼特.山普拉斯和羅傑.費德勒因各拿下七次冠軍,而共同保有最多奪冠數的紀錄。儘管溫網是英國的錦標賽,卻沒有該國國籍的男子球員在 1936 年至 2013 年間奪冠過,這個旱象直到 2013 年才被安迪.墨瑞所終結。瑪蒂娜.納芙拉蒂洛娃保有女子球員連續六年奪冠與九座冠軍的最多紀錄。著名的姊妹花瑟琳娜.威廉絲與維納斯.威廉絲在 2000 年至 2012 年間則各自拿下五座后冠。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.163 7月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2017/7/17(一) Let's make sure we have enough of everything on hand, as inventory forecasting sees these items selling like hotcakes.
2017/7/18(二) The SKUs for all items have been taken care of, so there'll be no glitches in the tracking system.
2017/7/19(三) We've put some contingency plans in place with other branches in case of shortages.
2017/7/20(四) What are you looking all stressed about over there?
2017/7/21(五) We'll need to get the wheels turning on the DM campaign by Friday.
我們得在週五前開始進行 DM 活動。
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