2017年6月15日 星期四


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2017/06/16 第363期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 日月潭
【本月發燒書】 觀光英語Let's Go!【三版】
【好康情報局】 考前衝刺新日檢書展│全面79折!
口語會話 Follow me

Look sharp! 注意點!

A: Look sharp! The boss is coming over.
B: Quick! Everyone look busy!

A: 注意點!老闆過來了。
B: 快點!大家快裝忙!

<< 節錄《OMG! 超好用生活英語萬用句》 >>

日月潭 Sun Moon Lake

Ethan: I'm really interested in visiting Sun Moon Lake. Every Taiwan travel guide mentions this beautiful lake.

Laura: Yes. You can't travel to Taiwan without paying a visit to Sun Moon Lake. It is one of the most important scenic spots in Taiwan.

Ethan: Why is it called Sun Moon Lake?

Laura: It is composed of two lakes actually. One of them has the shape of the sun, and the other the shape of a crescent moon.

Ethan: Interesting! I guess boating is one of the activities I can do on the lake?

Laura: Yes. Cycling and walking around the lake are really nice, too.

Ethan: Yeah, I can already imagine cycling by the lake, while taking in the beautiful mountain scenery, and maybe listening to birds singing. What a wonderful day! But, what about swimming?

Laura: Swimming is not allowed in Sun Moon Lake, except for the annual Swimming Festival.

Ethan: Can you tell me more about the festival?

Laura: Once a year, tens of thousands of people from all over Taiwan gather there to swim across Sun Moon Lake.

Ethan: Sounds exciting.

Laura: It sure is. If you are not so much into sports, you can explore the indigenous culture there. It is home to the Thao tribe.

Ethan: Is it possible that I can stay there overnight? It looks like I need more than one day to appreciate the scenery along with the local culture.

Laura: Of course. There are a lot of nice hotels around the lake.















<< 選自用英文介紹台灣:實用觀光導遊英語【彩圖三版】 >>
觀光英語Let's Go!【三版】
超簡單手繪旅遊英語【二版】 彩圖實境旅遊英語:會話模擬練功 聚焦英語演說:56篇偉大演講【新增二版】
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