In the past, news traveled by word of mouth. Later, it was printed in newspapers. Now, the Internet is a source of information. But people forget that the Internet has a long memory and a huge audience . Before you post those party pictures on Facebook, read this article. Forget Googling people to find out more information; Facebook can sometimes be much more revealing. At least one in 10 admissions officers for high schools and colleges looks at applicants' profiles on Facebook and other social networking sites. Other studies say 62% of British employers check social networking pages of job candidates. Twentyfive percent of them decided not to interview certain candidates because of their pages! Not only do people not get hired because of tasteless or private information on Facebook, they are now getting fired, too. Bosses can see negative comments about themselves or their companies. They find out information that makes employees look irresponsible or dishonest. And they sometimes decide to open up positions for people who know how much online information is too much. You may only communicate with friends on social networking sites, but other people can find you and find out any information you put up there. Career counselors suggest that instead of allowing social networking sites to hurt your job chances, you should let them work for you. If you speak other languages, list them. If you've done volunteer work, mention it and write about it. List hobbies and jobs that you're proud of. If you happened to paint your face, put a lampshade on your head, and dance halfnaked at a party last week, it's OK. You just might want to keep those pictures to yourself. 以前的新聞靠著口耳相傳,後來的新聞會被印在報紙上。現在,網路則成為了傳播訊息的管道。但人們忘記了一點,網路內容會流傳很久,而且觀看的人很多。在你把派對的照片上傳到臉書之前,先讀讀這篇文章。 別再用谷歌搜尋別人的訊息了,臉書上透漏的訊息有時可能會更多。至少有十分之一的高中和大學入學委員們會在臉書和其他社群網站上觀看申請人的個人檔案。其他調查顯示,百分之六十二的英國雇主會使用社群網頁來調查應徵工作的人。其中有百分之二十五的雇主因為看了某些應徵者的網頁,而決定不給他們面試機會。人們不僅因為臉書上缺乏品味且私人的資訊而不被雇用,他們現在也開始被開除了。老闆可以在上面看到關於自己或公司的負面評論,有些訊息透露出員工不負責任或不誠實的一面,而這些老闆們有時還會開放職缺給那些懂得克制在網路上分享訊息的人。 別再用谷歌搜尋別人的訊息了,臉書上透漏的訊息有時可能會更多。至少有十分之一的高中和大學入學委員們會在臉書和其他社群網站上觀看申請人的個人檔案。其他調查顯示,百分之六十二的英國雇主會使用社群網頁來調查應徵工作的人。其中有百分之二十五的雇主因為看了某些應徵者的網頁,而決定不給他們面試機會。人們不僅因為臉書上缺乏品味且私人的資訊而不被雇用,他們現在也開始被開除了。老闆可以在上面看到關於自己或公司的負面評論,有些訊息透露出員工不負責任或不誠實的一面,而這些老闆們有時還會開放職缺給那些懂得克制在網路上分享訊息的人。 你或許只是在社群網站上和朋友分享訊息,但其他人也可以找到你並窺探你放在上面的訊息。職涯諮詢師建議,與其讓社群網站危害自己的工作機會,你應該讓它成為助力。假如你會說其他語言,把它們列出來。如果你做過義工,就在上面提出並把相關事件寫下來,列出你的嗜好和引以為傲的工作。 如果你在上星期的派對中,剛好畫花了自己的臉、在頭上放燈罩,並半裸著跳舞,沒關係,只是這些照片可能還是留給自己看就好。 |