Nicky: I'm setting the alarm clock for 3:00 a.m., OK? Jake: What? 3:00 a.m.! Why so early? Nicky: We have to be out of the house early tomorrow morning to take advantage of the holiday sales. If we're smart, we can get all of our Christmas shopping done by tomorrow evening. Jake: But won't all the stores be closed that early in the morning? Nicky: No, silly. These days, on the day after Thanksgiving, all the stores open super early. Jake: Oh, great. But don't the sales carry on all weekend? Why are we rushing to go tomorrow morning? Nicky: They used to, but now most stores stop their sales on Friday evening. Jake: Smart, that way everyone's so nervous about missing out that they all pile in on Friday morning. Nicky: Yep! It's going to be a real busy day tomorrow, so get some sleep. You'll need it.