2016年11月14日 星期一

A Real Leading Man 實至名歸的影帝 -- 李奧納多•狄卡皮歐

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2016/11/08 第273期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Real Leading Man  實至名歸的影帝 -- 李奧納多•狄卡皮歐
Leonardo DiCaprio has been one of Hollywood's biggest stars for more than thirty years.

  Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most famous people in the world. He was born in 1974 in Hollywood, California. His acting career began slowly by playing small parts on several television shows and having a couple of minor movie roles in the early 1990s. He remained largely unknown until landing a role in the hit TV show — Growing Pains.
  When Growing Pains ended, DiCaprio began getting more opportunities for bigger roles in mainstream movies. He was able to show his acting talent in several successful movies, such as What's Eating Gilbert Grape and The Basketball Diaries. Romantic roles in the hit movies Romeo + Juliet and Titanic also came his way, after which he became a superstar overnight.
  DiCaprio is now among Hollywood's favorite leading men. He has used his acting skills in almost every possible kind of movie. DiCaprio has starred in romances, dramas, thrillers, horror movies, and science fiction. He even met the people behind the roles he played, like Frank Abagnale Jr. in Catch Me If You Can and Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street. Any way you look at it, DiCaprio has joined the ranks of Hollywood's greatest actors.

圖片來源:Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com


  李奧納多•狄卡皮歐是世上最有名氣的人之一。他在 1974 年出生於加州的好萊塢。靠著飾演幾個電視節目上的小角色和一些次要的電影角色,他的演員生涯就在九○年代初期緩慢地展開。而一路默默無聞的他,直到獲得當時熱門影集《歡樂家庭》的演出機會後,才打響名號。

  1. play a part  參與
    Every actor dreams of playing a part in the 007 movies.
    所有演員都想在 007 特務電影中尬上一角。
  2. a couple of...  數個……;兩個……
    Mina will go camping this weekend with a couple of friends.
  3. minor a. 不重要的;輕微的
    Jack had a minor headache all day but still managed to get all of his work done.
    *manage vi. & vt. 設法(完成)
  4. remain vi. 保持,留下
    Sally remained in the same position for 20 minutes because she was so sore from the gym.
  5. hit n. 成功的人或物
    The album was a big hit back in the 1980s.
  6. talent n. 天賦
    Mary has a talent for drawing.
  7. come one's way  事情進行順利/發生在某人身上
    Kevin believes that as long as he works hard, good things will come his way one day.
  8. rank n. 等級,級別;排名
    Frank has a high rank in the army.

career n. 職業(尤指終身職業)
opportunity n. 機會
mainstream n. 主流
overnight adv. 一夕之間
thriller n. 恐怖電影;恐怖小說

land 的其他用法
本文 "He remained largely unknown until landing a role in the hit TV show — Growing Pains." 中的 land a role 表『獲得角色、演出機會』,其中的 land 在這裡為動詞,除了原本的意思『登陸,降落』之外,還有『獲得,取到』的意思。其他用法還有 land a job,表示『獲得工作機會』。例:

A plane was landing on the runway.

After a long interview, Vicky finally landed her dream job.

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