2016年11月30日 星期三


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2016/11/25 第332期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 購買派對食物
【本月發燒書】 食尚英語:
【好康情報局】 2016高雄佛光山書展 單書79折 套書75折!

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購買派對食物 Shopping for Party Food

What do you suggest?

Lara: Gee! There's so many to choose from. What do you suggest?
Kevin: Just stick to the basic ones and you won't go wrong. I know Jill likes sweet and rich dressings. Thousand Island would be the one for her.
Lara: For me it's a toss-up between Balsamic Vinaigrette and Italian. I like my dressing sour and light. Well, I think I'll try the Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing. What do you like?
Kevin: I've got a bottle of Ranch at home. Hey, how about the "Parmesan and Roasted Garlic" dressing? The woman at the stand recommended it.
Lara: We'll take that, too. That should be enough. Let's get the other stuff and get out of here.

羅拉: 哇!有這麼多可以選擇。你建議買哪一種?
羅拉: 我可能會選酒醋醬或是義大利醬,我喜歡酸酸的、清淡一點的醬料。好吧,我想就試試看酒醋醬好了。那你選什麼?
羅拉: 那就買吧!這樣應該夠了,我們把其他東西買齊就可以走人了。

<< 本篇選自食尚英語:彩圖趣學餐飲英語 >>
舌尖上的英語,學習好滋味! 視覺上的美食,看圖輕鬆讀!本套書精心設計學習單元,包括常用句練習、情境對話、主題說明等,全書穿插豐富的彩圖照片圖解,提高學習效率。....詳全文
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2016年11月28日 星期一

Faith versus Theft 被神守護的村莊

網路時代,部落格是最佳發聲的平台。從【部落客名嘴】電子報非大眾媒體的角度,看個人媒體如何發揮影響力! 想瞭解最時尚、自然的Life Style?輕鬆成為新時代生活達人?【晨星生活元氣報】讓你輕鬆掌握最新生活訊息!
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2016/11/29 第276期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Faith versus Theft  被神守護的村莊
An Indian village that is guarded by a god.

圖片來源:Travel Stock / Shutterstock.com

  Even in a city as safe as Taipei, almost everyone still locks their doors when they aren't home. It goes without saying that no one would consider living in a home that didn't have a door. Yet, this is exactly how the people of one Indian village live today.
  In Shani Shingnapur, security is not a problem. Shops stay unlocked, and homes are always open. Why? The villagers put their faith in Lord Shani, the god of Saturn, who is believed to guard over the town.
  As the story goes, 300 years ago, a huge black boulder was found washed up on the shore of the town's river after a rainstorm. When locals touched it, blood flowed out. Lord Shani then appeared in many of the villagers' dreams. He told them that as long as the rock remained, he promised to protect the town. From that day forward, the villagers have lived without doors or locks. They are not necessary because Lord Shani is looking after the town.
  The village had its first theft in 2010 and has had only a few more since. The lack of crime shows how the locals' faith has frustrated the thieves.


  在 Shani Shingnapur,安全並不是問題。他們的商店不上鎖,住家永遠敞開著。為什麼?村民將信仰寄託在土星之神沙尼之上,他們相信祂會守護整個村子。
  該村莊在 2010 年第一次遭小偷,而在那之後也僅發生過少數幾次。犯罪案件的稀少顯示出當地人的信仰如何阻撓了小偷。

  1. faith n. 信仰/心/念
    have faith in...  相信……;對……有信心
    You should have faith in me and know that I won't let you down.
  2. consider vt. 考慮,細想
    There are many things to consider when you accept a new job.
  3. security n. 安全;保安
    Bridget feels that she should be responsible for the security of every student in her class.
  4. promise vi. & vt. 保證,答應
    Promise me that you'll keep in touch with me after you move to the States.
  5. from that / this + day / time / moment... + forward  從……時起
    forward adv. 向前
    Paul and Frank first met in high school, and they have been best friends from that time forward.
  6. necessary a. 必需的,必要的
    The government took the necessary steps to stop the violence.
  7. look after...  照顧/照料……
    Someone has to stay on the beach and look after the kids while we go surfing.
  8. frustrate vt. 阻撓;使沮喪/挫折
    The fact that Glen's company is going to shut down really frustrates him.

versus prep.(比賽/訴訟中)……對……(常縮寫為 vs.)
theft n. 竊盜,偷竊
unlocked a. 沒有上鎖的
boulder n. 巨石,巨礫

本文 "It goes without saying that no one would consider living in a home that didn't have a door." 中的常用片語 It goes without saying that + S + V 表『不用說,不言而喻』,例:

It goes without saying that being responsible is an important key to success.

另外,相關用語 sth speaks for itself 也是指某事『不言而喻,不辯自明』的意思,例:
In terms of the company's success, I believe our profits speak for themselves.

2016 暖心特輯「下班/課後,決定你的未來」

孩子頭好壯壯 早餐優先補充蛋白質

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