2016年10月25日 星期二

A Sculpture That Stands High Above 高聳參天的紅色螺旋塔

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2016/10/25 第271期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Sculpture That Stands High Above  高聳參天的紅色螺旋塔
A tower in London that is truly one-of-a-kind.

  Near London's Olympic Stadium stands a tall sculpture that looks like a picture out of a high school science textbook. The twisting red tower also looks a bit like some frightening roller coaster ride. However, it is really Britain's largest piece of public art complete with an observation tower — the ArcelorMittal Orbit.
  The Orbit Tower, as it is also known, was designed in honor of the 2012 Olympics being held in London. Its designers, Anish Kapoor and Cecil Balmond, won a competition to design an Olympic tower in 2009. They wanted the tower to appear somewhat unstable and never straight up and down, making it look like it was defying gravity. It was a grand and odd design, to be sure.
  When the tower was finally finished, the reviews were mixed. Though some people's thoughts on the tower are up in the air, most agree that the view from the top can't be beat. The observation deck is reached by a huge winding stairway. The structure also includes the world's longest and tallest tunnel slide. Who could give that a negative review as they slide to the bottom?

圖片來源:Ron Ellis / Shutterstock.com


  倫敦奧林匹克體育館附近,聳立著一座看起來就像高中自然科學課本圖片裡的高大雕刻品。這座螺旋狀的紅塔也看起來有點像某個嚇人的雲霄飛車遊樂設施。然而,它事實上是英國最大的一件配有瞭望塔的公共藝術品 —— 阿塞洛米塔爾軌道塔。
  這座軌道塔,正如人們所知的,是被設計來紀念 2012 年在倫敦舉辦的奧運。它的設計者 —— 阿尼西•卡普爾和西塞爾•貝爾蒙德 —— 於 2009 年一場設計奧運塔的比賽中獲得優勝。他們想要這座塔看起來有點不穩又絕對不會從上到下筆直挺立,使它看起來能抵抗地心引力。不能否認的是,它是一個宏偉且奇特的設計。

  1. twisting a. 彎彎曲曲的
    twist vt. 使彎曲,扭轉成……
    Ian twisted the wire into the shape of a heart.
  2. frightening a. 嚇人的,可怕的
    Though bungee jumping is frightening, Karen decided to take a chance and try it.
  3. be / come complete with...  具有/配備有……
    The house we bought was complete with a swimming pool.
  4. in honor of...  為了表示對……的崇敬
    honor n. 崇敬;榮幸
    The museum was set up in honor of the artist.
  5. somewhat adv. 有幾分,有點兒
    It was somewhat cold this morning, so Larry turned the heater on.
  6. unstable a. 不穩固的;不穩定的
    The kitchen table is unstable because one leg is shorter than the others.
  7. review n. 評論
    The new movie received very good reviews.
  8. winding a. 蜿蜒的,曲折的
    wind vi. & vt.(河流、道路等)蜿蜒,迂迴(三態為 wind, wound, wound)
    There's a long, winding path leading up to the house.
    The bike path winds along the river bank.

stadium n. 體育場;球場
observation tower n. 瞭望塔
orbit n. 軌道
competition n. 競賽;競爭
defy vt. 抗拒,違抗
gravity n. 地心引力,重力
stairway n. 樓梯

本文 "Though some people's thoughts on the tower are up in the air, most agree that the view from the top can't be beat." 中的片語 be up in the air,表『尚未決定,懸而未決』。相似片語還有 be in the air,表『(某種情緒)瀰漫在空氣中』。例:

The team's future is still up in the air.
There was so much excitement in the air that nobody could sit still.

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