2016年5月12日 星期四

母親節卡片 Mother's Day Card

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2016/05/13 第304期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
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【英語學習Plus】 母親節卡片 Mother's Day Card
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Do you know what’s going on with your son in L.A.?
By the time Frank arrived at the meeting, it had already been going on for a few minutes.
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母親節卡片 Mother's Day Card

To the World's Greatest Mom, You're the kindest, most caring, most wonderful mother I could ever wish for.

Thank you for always taking care of me. Thank you for always cheering me up when I feel sad. And thank you for keeping me out of trouble!

I want you to know that you're not just my mom; you're also my best friend. So I'm sending you lots and lots of love and kisses on this special day.

And, I told Dad to stop being so lazy and to give you the day off, and he said he would. So if he's not helping out around the house, he's breaking his promise (I hope he gave you breakfast in bed; I did remind him).

All my love,

Your loving daughter,


P.S. I hope you liked the flowers. I know tulips are your favorite!



感謝妳總是照料我,感謝妳總是在我難過的時候 替我打氣,還要感謝妳讓我總是無憂無慮!

我想讓妳知道,在我心中妳不只是媽媽而已,還是我的好朋 友。所以我想在這個特別的節日,送上滿滿的愛與親親。

還有,我已經告訴老爸別再偷懶,讓妳放個假,他答應了。所 以如果他沒有幫忙做家事,就等於食言而肥。希望他有將早餐送到 妳床邊──我有提醒他喔)。

愛妳喔。 妳可愛的女兒



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