2016年5月9日 星期一

Generation X X 世代

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2016/05/10 第262期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Generation X X 世代
by Marcus Maurice

The many milestones of Generation X.
X 世代的眾多里程碑。

  Born from the early-1960s to the early-1980s, the people that have helped shape history between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials are called Generation X. National Geographic Channel (NGC) has a series of the same name, Generation X, that will be airing shortly, focusing on the cultural events that have influenced the world we live in today.
  At first, Generation X was thought to be lazy. There were even two movies, Slackers and Reality Bites, which reflected this stereotyping. The reasoning behind this was that surfing and skateboarding were increasing in popularity as Gen Xers turned into teenagers. Therefore, many older people decided that Gen Xers enjoyed hanging out at beaches or skateboard parks instead of working at a dead-end job from nine to five. Generation X loved music because they were raised on MTV, and saw punk rock, hair metal, hip-hop, and electronic music become extremely popular. Unlike their parents who held the same job their whole lives, Gen Xers switched companies on a whim. However, many Gen Xers have become big-time entrepreneurs.
  Over time, Generation X has made its mark in history. From the election of a Generation X president, Barack Obama, in 2008, to legalizing gay marriage, Generation X has come a long way in a little time. Marrying interviews with icons and leading historians, period archival footage, and impressionistic recreations, the six-part series puts this generation on the couch for a few hours of compelling and thought-provoking rehabilitation. Catch Generation X on NGC to hear more about this iconic generation.

  1. air vi. & vt. 播出,廣播;公開表達(意見)
    衍: air one's views / opinions  公開表達自己的意見
    Everyone should have the equal chance to air their views.
  2. dead-end a. 沒有前途的;困境的
    The reason why some people choose to stay in their dead-end jobs may be that they think it would be easier than finding another job.
  3. switch vt. 轉換,調換,交換 & vi. 切換
    衍: switch A for B  以 A 交換/換取 B
    = exchange A for B
    I'd like to switch my hot dog for your brownie.
    Photographers typically switch to using manual focus from auto focus on their cameras.
    *manual a. 手動的;用手操作的
  4. big-time a. 傑出的,大名鼎鼎的
    Scorpios are said to have the potential to become big-time businessmen.
    *Scorpio n. 天蠍座(的人)
  5. entrepreneur n. 企業家
    衍: entrepreneurial a. 創業的,具有企業精神的
    Despite being turned down for the editor-in-chief position in Vogue, Vera Wang has eventually become a successful entrepreneur.
    Experts suggest that the country should focus on being a center for international entrepreneurial activity.
  6. legalize vt. 使合法化
    In 2015, the White House was lit up in rainbow colors in commemoration of the Supreme Court's ruling to legalize same-sex marriage.
    2015 年,白宮點亮了彩虹色彩的燈光來紀念最高法院使同性婚姻合法化的裁決。
    *the White House  白宮
    in commemoration of...  為了紀念……
  7. icon n. 代表性人物;標誌,象徵
    衍: iconic a. 代表性的,指標性的
    Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is an icon of rich cultural history.
    That iconic logo is easily recognized everywhere in the world.
  8. footage n. 資料影片,(影片的)連續鏡頭
    The police played footage of the accident over and over again to piece together what happened.
  9. compelling a. 引人入勝/令人信服的
    衍: compel vt. 強迫,迫使
    compel sb to V  迫使某人(做)……
    The lawyer's compelling arguments convinced the jury of the defendant's innocence.
    *defendant n. 被告
    The manager's rude remark compelled me to say something back to him.
  10. thought-provoking a. 發人深省的,引人深思的
    Life of Pi is a thought-provoking original novel that was later adapted into a film.
    《少年 Pi 的奇幻漂流》是一部發人深省的原創小說,後來被改編成為電影。
    *original a. 原創的;原來的

the Baby Boomer  嬰兒潮時期出生的人
衍: a baby boom  嬰兒潮
the Millennials  千禧年世代間出生的人
(這個世代出生的人又被稱作為千禧世代、網際世代、回聲潮世代,以及 Y 世代)
millennial n. 泛指千禧世代間出生的人 & a. 千禧年的
stereotyping n. 刻板印象,成見
同: stereotype n.
archival a. 檔案的
impressionistic a. 憑印象的
rehabilitation n. 重建;恢復(簡寫為 rehab)
衍: rehabilitate vt. 從……康復

  1. hang out  閒晃,徘徊
    衍: hang out with sb  和某人一起打發時間;和某人混在一起
    The TV pundit thinks he is a cut above common people just because he hangs out with celebrities.
    *pundit n. 名嘴,權威,專家
    be a cut above sb  高某人一等
    = be a lot better than sb
  2. on a whim  心血來潮,一時興起,一時衝動
    whim n. 突發的念頭,一時的興致
    Edward proposed to his girlfriend on a whim last night.
  3. make one's mark  某人成功/出名
    With her skills as a choreographer, Martha Graham made her mark in modern dance.
    *choreographer n. 編舞家
  4. marry sth with / to sth  將(兩個不同的想法、設計或品味等)結合在一起
    The product's design marries fun with function.

X 世代
X 世代的眾多里程碑。
  出生於 1960 年代前期至 1980 年代初期的人稱作 X 世代,他們對於塑造介於戰後嬰兒潮世代與千禧世代之間的歷史有所幫助。國家地理頻道(NGC)有一個稱作《X 世代》的同名系列節目即將播出,該節目主打影響我們現今世界的文化事件。
  起初,X 世代被認為是懶惰的世代。甚至還有兩部電影 ──《懶骨頭》和《四個畢業生》── 皆反映出這種刻板印象。X 世代被認為是懶惰的背後原因是,隨著 X 世代的人成為青少年,衝浪與滑板運動越來越受到歡迎。因此,許多老一輩的人認為,X 世代的人樂於在海灘或滑板場鬼混,而非朝九晚五地從事一份沒前途的工作。X 世代喜愛音樂,因為他們是看 MTV 長大的,而且他們見證了龐克搖滾、長髮金屬(編按:亦稱為華麗金屬(Glam Metal)或流行金屬(Pop Metal),此為硬式搖滾和重金屬音樂的一個流派,起源於二十世紀七零年代末期的美國,並在八零年代至九零年代間流行。)、嘻哈和電子樂變得極為流行。不像他們終其一生堅守同一份工作的父母,X 世代的人心血來潮就跳槽。然而,許多 X 世代者都成為了傑出的企業家。
  隨著時間的流逝,X 世代已在歷史上留下它的印記。從 2008 年 X 世代的總統巴拉克•歐巴馬當選到同性婚姻合法化,X 世代在這短短的時間內已取得相當大的進展。這個分為六集的系列節目把訪談與指標性人物和重要歷史學家、該時代的檔案資料影片以及憑藉印象所重製的畫面做結合,該系列讓現在這個世代能好好坐在沙發上觀賞數小時引人入勝且發人深省的畫面重現。準時收看國家地理頻道的《X 世代》來聽聽更多關於這個具指標性世代的事。


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