2016年5月12日 星期四

Measuring Trump's Language: Bluster but Also Words That Appeal to Women/川普2招話術 討好女性、大話唬人

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2016/05/13 第122期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Measuring Trump's Language: Bluster but Also Words That Appeal to Women/川普2招話術 討好女性、大話唬人
Measuring Trump's Language: Bluster but Also Words That Appeal to Women/川普2招話術 討好女性、大話唬人
Claire Cain Miller

Hillary Clinton, no surprise, sounds the most feminine of the candidates on the campaign trail, commonly using phrases like "incredibly grateful" and "open our hearts." More surprising, the second-most feminine-sounding speaker is Donald Trump, who often talks about "my beautiful family" and "lasting relationships."

But unlike Clinton, Trump is just as likely to speak in overtly masculine language, especially favoring phrases like "absolutely destroy" and often using insulting words that tend to alienate women (and many men): "moron," "imbecile" and "loser."



This is based on 126,362 words in publicly available speeches by the candidates through March 3 and in four debates analyzed by Textio, a company that uses software to evaluate language. Textio ranked the candidates' language in various areas, including gender associations, references to minorities and the frequency with which they talked about themselves versus talking directly to voters.

The company determines which phrases appeal to men or women based on which get statistically significant response rates from either sex. The way the candidates speak influences voters' perception of them, and could reveal clues about their core beliefs and which voters they are trying to sway.



Clinton's language is often about coming together, and she mentions family five times as often as any other candidate. Trump's language is the most polarized between masculine and feminine, though he has been sounding more feminine over the campaign, perhaps to try to appeal to female voters.


There can be a double standard for women, linguists say. "If men add these little feminine flourishes, they have it both ways — they get admired for being tough and yet people like them," said Deborah Tannen, a linguistics professor at Georgetown University and author of "You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation.""There's no question we have two standards that we use in evaluating male and female speakers,"said John Locke, a linguistics professor at City University of New York and author of "Duels and Duets: Why Men and Women Talk So Differently." "If she speaks forcefully, people will say she's strident or harsh. When a man does the same thing, we say that he's speaking with appropriate command."


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