2019年12月2日 星期一

The Rise of Netflix 網飛的崛起

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2019/12/03 第430期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Rise of Netflix 網飛的崛起
How did this streaming service change the way people watch TV and become a cultural force?


  Netflix has come a long way from its days as a DVD rental company. It now produces original movies and TV shows that have become big hits across the globe. Even the latest remake of Hana Yori Dango, also known as Meteor Garden, in 2018 was produced by Netflix. The streaming service has almost 150 million subscribers worldwide as of 2019. With rising subscription fees, more money has been made available for Netflix originals like Stranger Things, Aggretsuko, Chef’s Table, and much more.
  Netflix was founded in 1997 by software engineers, Reed Hastings and Marc Rudolph. At the time, it was a competitor of the once popular and now out-of-business movie and video game rental chain, Blockbuster. A famous story claims that Hastings created the company after being charged a $40 late fee by Blockbuster. When Netflix began their streaming service in 2007, things really started picking up. The Netflix original House of Cards, which was first released in 2013, got them eight Emmy nominations and put them on everyone’s radar.
  Netflix has had a huge cultural influence. It has become a part of pop culture and has completely changed how people watch television. With more and more people choosing streaming over cable TV, how will traditional cable services respond?


1. cultural a. 文化的
We should encourage young people to take part in more cultural activities.
2. worldwide adv. 遍及全世界地
Research shows that more than 100 children worldwide have the disease.
3. as of + 時間  自某時起
= as from + 時間
As of next month, the price of gas will be higher.
4. chain n. 連鎖店/集團
Family Mart, 7-ELEVEN, and OK Mart are just a few of Taiwan’s many convenience store chains.
全家便利商店、7-ELEVEN 和 OK 便利商店只是臺灣許多便利商店連鎖集團的其中幾家而已。
5. pick up  (生意、經濟等)改進,好轉
The economy is starting to pick up again this year.
6. influence n. 影響
Parents have a huge influence on their children’s personalities and behavior.
7. choose A over B  選擇 A 而不選 B
I know how to do the job, so why would you choose Jill over me as your secretary?
8. respond vi. 因應,反應
Jason asked Amy what the time was, but she didn’t respond.

rental a. 出租的
subscriber n. 訂戶,訂閱者
subscription n. 訂閱
software n. 軟體
▼ competitor n. 競爭者
out-of-business a. 歇業的
on sb’s radar  受某人關注的

Netflix has come a long way from its days as a DVD rental company.
本句中的片語 have come a long way 字面意思為「已經走了很長一段路」,引申為「(某事物)有極大進步,有長足進展」。
Information technology has come a long way since the 1980s.
自 1980 年代以來,資訊科技已經有了長足的進步。

fee 與 fare 的比較
1. fee 是指一般的服務費、手續費、報名費、入場費,或用來付給醫生、律師等專業人員辦事的費用。例如:
admission fee 入場費
a membership fee 會員費
tuition (fees) / school fees 學費
a doctor’s fee 醫師診療費
a lawyer’s fee 律師費
You have to pay a monthly membership fee to use this fitness center.
2. fare 用來指搭乘交通工具(如:公車、計程車、火車、船隻、飛機等)的費用,如:bus fare(公車費)、train fare(火車費)、taxi fare(計程車費)等。
How much is the bus fare from here to the city hall?

  網飛從一開始以 DVD 出租公司型態經營到現在已有了長足的進展。它現在會製作原創電影與電視影集,而且它們都成為了風靡世界各地的作品。甚至連 2018 年播映的《花樣男子》(又稱《流星花園》)重拍版也是由網飛製作的。這個線上串流影音服務自 2019 年起在全世界已經擁有將近一億五千萬名訂戶。隨著訂閱費用的增加,網飛便能獲得更多錢來製作原創作品,像是《怪奇物語》、《衝吧烈子》及《主廚的餐桌》等等。
  網飛是由軟體工程師瑞德•哈思廷斯與馬克•魯道夫於 1997 年創立的。當時,它是曾經很受歡迎、如今已歇業的電影及電玩出租連鎖店百視達的競爭對手。一個很有名的故事聲稱哈思廷斯是在被百視達收取四十美元的逾期金後才創立該公司的。網飛於 2007 年開始其線上影音串流服務後,一切開始有了起色。於 2013 年首播的網飛原創影集《紙牌屋》讓他們獲得了八項艾美獎提名並使大家注意到他們。


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